Creative Titiles on AMCAS Work/Experience Section

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May 20, 2016
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Hey Everyone,
I was wondering what you all thought about titling the experiences/work (in Section 5 of the AMCAS application) with non-traditional titles. For example, rather than "Clinical Observation of Dr. So and So" , titling the same experience as "A first-look at open heart surgery" or "The reaffirmation of my desire to be a Cardiologist". In my opinion, I believe this would allow me to stand out as an applicant, while still having all the necessary information within the entry; however, I'm not sure how it would be perceived by institutions. Thoughts?

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Hey Everyone,
I was wondering what you all thought about titling the experiences/work (in Section 5 of the AMCAS application) with non-traditional titles. For example, rather than "Clinical Observation of Dr. So and So" , titling the same experience as "A first-look at open heart surgery" or "The reaffirmation of my desire to be a Cardiologist". In my opinion, I believe this would allow me to stand out as an applicant, while still having all the necessary information within the entry; however, I'm not sure how it would be perceived by institutions. Thoughts?
Not neccessary. If your experiences are outstanding, they will speak for themselves. If not, glorifying them will only result in a eyeroll.
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It will not have a positive impact in the slightest. But could have a negative one. Don't do it.

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Cute idea that will end up creating more work for adcoms when reviewing applications. That will make you stand out in a bad way. Don't do it. Let your ECs speak for themselves.