Critique my plan please!

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10+ Year Member
Apr 21, 2013
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My current situation: 2nd semester sophomore
Currently taking Orgo II, Physics II, A&P II, Cell Bio, and an ENG
Taking Biochem, Patho, and Soc - Fall semester junior year

Took 1 diagnostic test pre-Orgo/pre-Physics and got a 25 (8/8/9) - no prep

Resources: All EKs, BRs, TPRs, and the old AAMC exams

This semester: 1 hour/ day of getting a good grasp on the old MCAT material (get to a 34+) using BR. Make Anki cards along with way. Using TPR Verbal and EK 101 passages.

Summer (during internship): Study Biochem/ Psych / Soc along with Anki cards, strengthening weak concepts with BR/TPR/EK.

Fall semester: along with 14 credits (10 credits being Biochem, Soc, and Patho), study 3 hours a day, using 2015 review material, and taking old and the few new exams out there for the 2015 MCAT.

Winter break: Take the new MCAT - shooting for that 95 percentile.

Comments? I already know people are going to say that there is no need to study for a test so far in advance because I will forget the info, but I don't think I will since I will be refreshing myself throughout the year and solidifying concepts. If anyone has had success using a long study plan like this, please comment!

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As you said, right now your classes should be your primary focus. Acing them is the best you can do for yourself and your plan of getting into medical school.

About the MCAT, the best advice I can offer is that you should take it when you are ready and not sooner. That's why you take several AAMC practice tests before and take the average to see if you are ready.
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As you said, right now your classes should be your primary focus. Acing them is the best you can do for yourself and your plan of getting into medical school.

About the MCAT, the best advice I can offer is that you should take it when you are ready and not sooner. That's why you take several AAMC practice tests before and take the average to see if you are ready.

I definitely agree with you. Thanks!
Go for it. Stop the moment you find yourself unable to juggle this with your course work.
Studying this much in advance can put you at high risk of burn out (not a good feeling trust me). But if you find yourself able to handle all that, then do it.
Remember to not rush anything though. Understanding > Brute memorization.
Good luck.
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