EMG equipment

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Hog Daddy

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Jul 10, 2005
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What is the best value in EMG equipment? Any vendors to avoid. You may PM me. Thanks

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Cadwell Sierra Wave. Can be portable or permanent. Easy to use. High quality. Has the best report generator in the industry. Can be customized down to every last detail of testing and reporting. Service department very easy to contact and talk to, as well as work with for both hardware and software problems. In fact, many of the same people there for many years. Quick turnaround time for repairs, plus loaners and rentals available while yours is down.

I've been using them since 2000.
Cadwell Sierra Wave. Can be portable or permanent. Easy to use. High quality. Has the best report generator in the industry. Can be customized down to every last detail of testing and reporting. Service department very easy to contact and talk to, as well as work with for both hardware and software problems. In fact, many of the same people there for many years. Quick turnaround time for repairs, plus loaners and rentals available while yours is down.

I've been using them since 2000.

+1000 to Cadwell. I've had a Sierra wave since 2003, and have replaced the laptop once. I agree with everything above. This is not the cheapest machine that I have used, (XL-TEC was) but I think the value was the best. I had a problem with noise after about 5 yrs of using my machine. We did some on the phone diagnostics, and determined the problem to be the ampliflier. I bought a new amp. (it was out of warranty) which they overnighted to me, and sent back the old one which they fixed and sent back to me at no cost.