Late committee letter

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10+ Year Member
Sep 14, 2011
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hello, so i know how important it is to turn in your materials early. I have finished all my secondaries within 1 week of getting them. However, i just learned that my committee letters wont be written or sent until october. so much for my early submission advantage. any thoughts?

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hello, so i know how important it is to turn in your materials early. I have finished all my secondaries within 1 week of getting them. However, i just learned that my committee letters wont be written or sent until october. so much for my early submission advantage. any thoughts?

Mine are also late, generally the schools know to expect that from my school, so I'd say do everything early that you can, give your committee all the external letters with time and don't stress about things that are beyond your control.
You can't control that so let it go. its better they take their time and write a good one. You don't know a shallow fast crappy one messing up your app. Do everything on your part and just confirm that it arrives when it is supposed to.
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Wow, I've heard of schools holding off until the end of summer to write letters, but October is awfully late. I agree with everyone else, but I would still maybe check with your pre-med committee if they can do anything to expedite the process (especially considering you have completed secondaries).
do schools require all LORs to be in by the time you interview? i have an interview for late august and idk if the letter will be received by then....
I'm surprised you got an interview without having all the LORs in - it seems all my schools are telling me that great, I submitted my secondary, but they won't be processing my application until I get my LORs in. :-/...
I'm surprised you got an interview without having all the LORs in - it seems all my schools are telling me that great, I submitted my secondary, but they won't be processing my application until I get my LORs in. :-/...

pitt gave me an interview because i satisfied their min 3 letter requirement. im still missing the committee letter and idk how bad it might be if i show up to interivews and its still not in.....:eek:
Gotcha. My university sends in all my letters with the committee letter, so no LORs until I get all of them. Anyway, congratulations :)!