Summer opportunities in public health or health policy

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Mar 12, 2008
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Hey guys,

This summer I was interested in doing some sort of public health or health policy program/internship just to see what the field is like. I'm also planning to apply to med school this summer (I'm a junior in college), so didn't want to do anything TOO time-consuming (like 40 hrs/week or something like that). I was wondering if there were any good programs or internships that I could apply to, maybe at NIH or CDC or something? I'm slightly interested in epidemiology, but I'd be fine taking any public health or health policy opportunity if it's a really good one. Has anyone done something like this? Or does anyone know of any good programs? Thanks!

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I know of health policy and global health internships with AMSA. They are advocacy oriented and not so much epidiemiology. You do meet a lot of really cool people though. You can stay in their town house in Reston, VA and but don't get paid.

Global Health Council has some internships- again policy oriented. Look up on their website.

Another one for undergraduates through this Global Health Fellows Program. I think its new this year, but here is what they emailed me:
GHFP is working with the One World Foundation to implement the international internship program. For additional information, visit the One World Foundation Website, or click on the application (

NIH might have an epi section or lab that you can work in through their summer internship program but you have to get letters of rec and contact a professor you want to work with.