PhD/PsyD What to Do If My Department doesn't have a Lab with my interests?

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7+ Year Member
Jan 27, 2015
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Hello Everyone,

I have asked around and looked through my departments faculty research interests and no on seems to have a lab that does anything related to I/O Psychology. my department chair told me to pick a lab that I am interested in but I am not really that interested in any of them (except for maybe one lab with my Stats professor). Should I reach out to a school close by that has three I/O psychology professors and ask them if they conduct any research labs and ask if they need assistance or just ask my stats professors to volunteer in her lab (even though her lab is a cognitive psych lab that seems to be somewhat interesting)?

Thanks everyone!!

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Hello Everyone,

I have asked around and looked through my departments faculty research interests and no on seems to have a lab that does anything related to I/O Psychology. my department chair told me to pick a lab that I am interested in but I am not really that interested in any of them (except for maybe one lab with my Stats professor). Should I reach out to a school close by that has three I/O psychology professors and ask them if they conduct any research labs and ask if they need assistance or just ask my stats professors to volunteer in her lab (even though her lab is a cognitive psych lab that seems to be somewhat interesting)?

Thanks everyone!!

Can't hurt to reach out to profs at local schools and see what might be possible (you could also ask your dept chair for more guidance). Also, you may want to check for possible research going on at the Business school of your university (or a local uni) related to I/O. Just a thought.
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Another idea.. A friend of mine was in this same situation in undergrad. See if you can may be start your own study (like a senior thesis or independent research) that would be in I/O field and get any of the faculty member to supervise. My friend did his I/O related study, and his mentor's research was in totally different field, nowhere close to I/O. So if there is a professor who you know well, who thinks highly of your abilities, ask if they would supervise a study regardless of what their research is. You can may be involve someone from business department as a collaborator. Reaching out to professors in the school close by is also a great idea. Explore all your options! Good luck!
Thank you!! I am actually trying to boost my GPA up to get into one of the psychology honors programs or do a independent honors program/thesis so your advice reminded me about the option of doing this. I/O Psychology being a newer psych discipline is interesting but is hard to find advice and professors in the field to be mentored by
Honestly, some of the best I/O research actually goes on in business schools. Look for departments in "Organizational Behavior".