away rotaionts

  1. Y

    I want to apply for VSLO but had to incomplete and reschedule second half of IM rotation due to it being cancelled

    As the title states. My IM rotation was supposed to be 8 weeks with 4 weeks divided between 2 sites. First 4 weeks started in late July and ended late August, but second rotation got canceled and is now scheduled to start next April in 2025. I am concerned about applying to VSLO for away IM...
  2. pandadawn

    What Gen-Surg Away Rotations Did You LOVE?

    Trying to narrow down which programs would be best to do an away at. Leaning east coast, open to anywhere, thinking community based. I'm at an institution that highly recommends that we do 2+ away rotations, so please no "aways aren't beneficial" replies.