06 Ranking of Dental School based on admission stats

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I totaly thought statistics were the most important thing EVER

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Wow, some of you people have way too much time on your hands.
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Well its based on some luck at least.. I was interviewed by three people at UNC
The student interviewer interview went well. We were both asian and could relate alot. 🙂
Then I was interview by a spanish lady and it went well as well, since i am also from a different country, we can relate well and also we had some similar interests etc.
My third interviewer was what mess me up. He is a very boring conservative guy. He was also a general dentist and didn't do any research and wasn't interested in any research whatsoever!! Well again I didn't know all this stuff about him UNTIL AFTER THE INTERVIEW. So I went in told talk to him a little bit about myself. I told him I was interested in helping the underserved. Then I kind of made the mistake when I told him I wanted to do cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics. (opps..) And then I was trying "impress" him b/c I have ALOT of research experisence (most interviewers would LOVE to hear about research, I thought...) so I talk alot about research, what I did, my publishing on enzyme kinetics etc. and he was totally uninterested I found out later on that he was a supporter for general dentistry and want people to be interested in that field and he NEVER did any research himself... Can you believe that???
See my bad luck?? if I had an interviewer that did alot of research then we could relate and he would be interested in what I had to said. I could NOT help it that I was stuck with someone like HIM!! 😡 👎
I know people here are going to tell me b/c my personality sucks thats why I bombed my interview, well then how come I did good on my first TWO interviews??? and not my third one? b/c its luck! its who you get as an interviewer and its HOW MUCH THEY LIKE YOU and thats something you can't control...

The interview is based on luck?! I''d like to hear your rationale behind that :laugh:
Whoa, don't be tromping out the word statistics. That would imply they indicate something useful, or probative.

We're talking about STATS.

thats what I meant........
Well its based on some luck at least.. I was interviewed by three people at UNC
The student interviewer interview went well. We were both asian and could relate alot. 🙂
Then I was interview by a spanish lady and it went well as well, since i am also from a different country, we can relate well and also we had some similar interests etc.
My third interviewer was what mess me up. He is a very boring conservative guy. He was also a general dentist and didn't do any research and wasn't interested in any research whatsoever!! Well again I didn't know all this stuff about him UNTIL AFTER THE INTERVIEW. So I went in told talk to him a little bit about myself. I told him I was interested in helping the underserved. Then I kind of made the mistake when I told him I wanted to do cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics. (opps..) And then I was trying "impress" him b/c I have ALOT of research experisence (most interviewers would LOVE to hear about research, I thought...) so I talk alot about research, what I did, my publishing on enzyme kinetics etc. and he was totally uninterested I found out later on that he was a supporter for general dentistry and want people to be interested in that field and he NEVER did any research himself... Can you believe that???
See my bad luck?? if I had an interviewer that did alot of research then we could relate and he would be interested in what I had to said. I could NOT help it that I was stuck with someone like HIM!! 😡 👎
I know people here are going to tell me b/c my personality sucks thats why I bombed my interview, well then how come I did good on my first TWO interviews??? and not my third one? b/c its luck! its who you get as an interviewer and its HOW MUCH THEY LIKE YOU and thats something you can't control...

well.... it is the luck of the draw who your interviewer is, but part of being a good dentist is your ability to communicate with patients who are not like you. none of my interviewers were interested in my research but there were plenty of other things about my
application that they were interested in. lastly, your assuming your interviews with the other 2 went well, but you dont really know what they thought of you. keep in mind that most schools make decisions based on a committee and that one person's opinion of you probably didnt keep you out.
sdn kids, naturally...and those taking it in the summer usually end up taking it in late summer i.e. august...and we've seen what a nightmare that has been for some people

and i have seen people hit 20+ in all sections (myself included), just not in the past few months

Or could it be that there aren't many people taking the DAT in the winter?

All this talk about the DAT getting harder is pure speculation. Sure it gets updated to keep the scores normalized, and to add updated theories, but nobody knows if this years test is harder than last years. There are many versions. The ADA doesn't tell predents things like this. I love how we have become experts on everything. (Myself included) There are just some things that are ridiculous, like assuming that the DAT is harder this year than last based on the fact that SDNer's haven't been reporting high scores in the last few winter months.

-Side Note-

Also, because you took the test one year and did worse the next doesn't mean the test was harder. It could mean that you were tested on a version that was more challenging to you.
You are right, I am not 100% sure if those two others like me. They seem like they did but I guess I will never know. but I am pretty sure I bombed the third interview... I made a 7/10 on the interview overall and the MOST you can get is a 9/10...
I do wish I know what the others thought about me though...

well.... it is the luck of the draw who your interviewer is, but part of being a good dentist is your ability to communicate with patients who are not like you. none of my interviewers were interested in my research but there were plenty of other things about my
application that they were interested in. lastly, your assuming your interviews with the other 2 went well, but you dont really know what they thought of you. keep in mind that most schools make decisions based on a committee and that one person's opinion of you probably didnt keep you out.
There are a few things for you to consider.

1) There is a reason why state legislatures fund state dental schools. It isn't because they feel bad for the poor, poor dentists struggling to make ends meet on a mere $140,000 a year. It is a politically popular way of subsidizing the dental health care of their constituents. I don't know much about UNC, specifically, but I do know a lot of politicians. Most of them aren't going to be interested in funding a dental school that doesn't actually produce clinicians who will take care of their voters.

2) You are applying to dental school. I have a ton of research experience and it really helped me out. I'll probably try doing research when I get out. But, as a DDS, I'll be a dentist first. If you are applying to dental school, you have to sell them on you being a dentist. If your interviewer thinks you'd be happier in an Oral Biology PhD program, he's not going to fight for you

3) You contradicted yourself. You said you want to help the underserved, but also said you wanted to do cosmetic dentistry and/or ortho. That's not going to convince anyone that you are genuine.

From all your posts, I think that last point really illustrates the problem. I mean, we don't know how well you really did on your interviews, but the fact still remains that you didn't get the interviews one would expect from your stats. You can't blow an interview you never got.

If you are busy trying to tell the adcomms what you think they want to hear, they'll see right through it and you'll lose your opportunity to really stand out in a positive manner. With the competition these days, you can't afford to give up those opportunities, whether they be in an interview, on a personal statement or whatever.

My third interviewer was what mess me up. He is a very boring conservative guy. He was also a general dentist and didn't do any research and wasn't interested in any research whatsoever!! Well again I didn't know all this stuff about him UNTIL AFTER THE INTERVIEW. So I went in told talk to him a little bit about myself. I told him I was interested in helping the underserved. Then I kind of made the mistake when I told him I wanted to do cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics. (opps..) And then I was trying "impress" him b/c I have ALOT of research experisence (most interviewers would LOVE to hear about research, I thought...) so I talk alot about research, what I did, my publishing on enzyme kinetics etc. and he was totally uninterested I found out later on that he was a supporter for general dentistry and want people to be interested in that field and he NEVER did any research himself... Can you believe that???
There are a few things for you to consider.
3) You contradicted yourself. You said you want to help the underserved, but also said you wanted to do cosmetic dentistry and/or ortho. That's not going to convince anyone that you are genuine.

When I read that my head almost exploded. Tho.se two things are basically mutually exclusive
I just wanted to add my two cents to this sdn "Stats" game that means so much.

My sGPA is above average at every dental school in your list

My GPA is above average at every dental school in your list

My PAT is average or above every school except for the top 4 in the nation.

However, I will be attending one of the schools that shows up near the bottom of the list in a lot of categories.

My point is this: Where your school is ranked doesnt mean anything. How good your schools stats are doesnt mean everything. There is too much emphasis on stats on this forum.

Congrats on your acceptance to WVU!

Not to burst your bubble, but a PA of 19 (indeed a very respectable score) is even with with the mean PA scores at NOVA, N. Carolina, S. Carolina, and UT-Houston, which would be ranked #16-19.

How can ADEA put out statistics for 2007 when this application cycle is not even done yet???

You are a little confused. The 2007 edition of the ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools has information for entering class of 2006. The incomplete info for this cycle will be for the 2007 entering class and will be published as the 2008 edition.
My third interviewer .... He is a very boring conservative guy. He was also a general dentist and didn't do any research and wasn't interested in any research whatsoever!! ...... So I went in told talk to him a little bit about myself. I told him I was interested in helping the underserved. Then I kind of made the mistake when I told him I wanted to do cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics. (opps..) And then I was trying "impress" him b/c I have ALOT of research experisence (most interviewers would LOVE to hear about research, I thought...) so I talk alot about research, what I did, my publishing on enzyme kinetics etc. and he was totally uninterested I found out later on that he was a supporter for general dentistry and want people to be interested in that field and he NEVER did any research himself... Can you believe that???

1. Bad Luck? Wow!. Two of your of interviewers were sympathetic to your cause, or as you say, you could relate to them. And you are complaining about the 3rd one? It is his fault because you tried to impress him and it backfired on you.

2. Aaaah!!! Nothing like cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics for a patient who presents with a mouth full of caries and is in need of extractions, pulpotomies, endos and stainless steel crowns.

3. Most gps are too busy/or not interested in doing research. If research was their cup of tea, they would have gone for a Ph.D. instead.

4. "NEVER" did any research himself...Can you believe that???" His mission in academia may well be teaching dental related courses, not doing research.

5. Going to an interview for dental school admission and talking about your research experience, as you apparently did, is like going on date and monopolizing the conversation talking about your ex.
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Haha, no worries with the whole PAT of 19 thing. All I was pointing out was that most of the schools average in the top percent of dental schools was in the 19's, since there arent 19.5 or 19.6 scores to recieve on the DAT I was just pointing out that a 19 wasnt indeed that bad.

Also, thanks for the congrats on WVU, i didnt think it would be hard to figure out, but im pumped about starting in the fall.

Where are you attending?
doc toothache, could you tell me where Temple, Marquette, and OHSU placed?

doc toothache, could you tell me where Temple, Marquette, and OHSU placed?


Temple: #43 AA-18.8; #25 PA-18.7; #51 GPA-o 3.33; #52 GPA-sci 3.19; #41 DAT+GPAs 44.02; #10 App/Enr. 29;
Marquette: #48 AA-18.44; #37 PA 18.08; #39 GPA-o 3.5; #52; #34 GPA-Sci 3.43; #45 DAT+GPAs 43.45; #4 App/Enr 37;
Ohio: #41 AA-19.98; #20 PA 18.98; #32 GPA-o 3.52; #40 GPA-Sci 3.39; ##26 DAT+GPAs 44.87; #46 App/Enr 11.

The stats for the rest of the schools will be posted soon.
I love when people try to deemphasize the importance of the numbers. "Your application is more than just numbers." That's mostly bull. Getting an interview is the biggest step in getting accepted, and you won't get any interviews if you don't have a good GPA and good DAT score. Some schools get more than 4000 applicants and they can't go reading every single LOR and debating who has more dental experience or better service.
I am going to reapply this year, and I have been calling up adcoms and asking them what I can do to better my application (3.4 overall, 3.1 science 21 AA). I have asked them what will benefit me more, work full time as a dental assistant or do a post-bach to raise my GPA. WITHOUT FAIL, they have all said that the GPA would be more important. One actually told me they could care less about dental experience.
Now, once you get an interview, then service, dental experience and all the other factors can help you out a little bit, but without the numbers to get you an interview, they won't even look at that stuff.
ppl on SDN are wayyyyyyyyyyyy too focused on stats. i hope everyone knows that just because your stats may match the averages in this thread that you are not assured an interview or an acceptance. there is more to an application than stats, i hope everyone here realizes that.

I couldn't agree more. The process for admissions is so arbitrary, seriously.... I got rejected from some of the worst schools (won't say which ones cause i don't want to hurt ppls feelings), and got accepted to some of those that are considered "harder" to get into. Honestly, I didn't think I would get in to any dental school when I applied, b/c my dat's were just ok, they weren't that impressive i guess, but then i get all these interviews and acceptances, i'm like shocked still. I still can't figure out what the dental schools that rejected me did not like about me, and what the ones that accepted me liked about me. It's just so random, ppl who are going to apply, don't worry about it too much. You'll probably be pleasantly surprised once you submit your appl. 🙂
I love when people try to deemphasize the importance of the numbers. "Your application is more than just numbers." That's mostly bull. Getting an interview is the biggest step in getting accepted, and you won't get any interviews if you don't have a good GPA and good DAT score. Some schools get more than 4000 applicants and they can't go reading every single LOR and debating who has more dental experience or better service.
I am going to reapply this year, and I have been calling up adcoms and asking them what I can do to better my application (3.4 overall, 3.1 science 21 AA). I have asked them what will benefit me more, work full time as a dental assistant or do a post-bach to raise my GPA. WITHOUT FAIL, they have all said that the GPA would be more important. One actually told me they could care less about dental experience.
Now, once you get an interview, then service, dental experience and all the other factors can help you out a little bit, but without the numbers to get you an interview, they won't even look at that stuff.

To a certain extent, you're right about the GPA/DAT. In my opinion, if you have at least a 3.0 (or let me be hyper-critical: a 3.1), you're ok as long as you get like a 19 science average, and maybe like an 18 AA, IF you have some community service, dental experience, maybe a pre-dental summer program and whatever else you want to make you "stand out". But really, I don't think it's as hard as ppl make it seem, speaking from experience. When I applied last year I was freakin' out, reading all these posts on SDN, i was all thinking there's no way i'm getting in. I got in to multiple schools, got a ton of interviews (and a couple of rejections of course). BUT my point is that it's not AS BAD as ppl make it seem. :hardy:
Look, I had 19 and 20's on my dat. Thats not the point. Im going to one of the schools thats not on the top of the list for the following reasons:

1) Im an out of state going to a public school and my total tuition with living expenses is only $132,000 for FOUR years

2.) There is only 50 students in my entering class. I will get great teacher/student interaction

3.) The clinic was just built, in fact they just started using it a couple of months ago

4.) Everyone from the secretary to the staff has been extremely helpful and nice

I hope none of that came of rude as none was intended

Good luck to everyone!

No offense, but you're probably not going to a school on the top of that list because of other reasons...quite possibly because of stats. At least that's the idea I got from some of your other posts. Anyhow...I'd be happy with attending WVU for the reasons you offered. That price tag is pretty tough to beat.

Let me just tell you this....

My scores were a 17/19/19 with a 14 in QR so you are money as far as Im concerned...youre just going to have to choose which school to actually attend...good job!
The DAT is A LOT harder than it was a year or two ago. I took the DAT 2 years ago, and retook it last week and the difference was remarkable... The 2007 version of the DAT can't even be compared to how it was in 2005, it is in a whole other league of difficulty!

Hmm... could it be that the computer just so incidentally happened to spit out hard questions while you were taking it? I only took DAT once and was pleased with my score so I couldn't draw examples to compare. But I have done old real DAT problems from different years, the difficulty varied quite significantly year-to-year, and I could see no trend.