2.89 GPA Working on MCAT

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Aug 10, 2008
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Hey guys, My gpa is 2.89 and I'm working on the MCAT as we speak
I've been getting between 32-36 on the diagnostics and was wondering what are my chances of getting into an MD program.
I've been really considering the carribbean. Will they consider me?

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With those MCAT scores, you could probably get into a DO program. Do that long before going the Caribbean route. You're in really bad shape at MD schools with your GPA, though. Have you considered doing a SMP or a post-bac program to raise your GPA? How many hours of science classes do you have?
I don't understand, why should DO come before Caribbean come long after? Can't I get an MD from there?

I've considered post-bac, but since im studying for the mcat now, i haven't researched it much. Also, should I be applying as soon as I can, or should I wait till next June?

I could really use some direction...
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I don't understand, why should DO come before Caribbean come long after? Can't I get an MD from there?

I've considered post-bac, but since im studying for the mcat now, i haven't researched it much. Also, should I be applying as soon as I can, or should I wait till next June?

I could really use some direction...
I am in kinda the same boat as you, you can look at my MDapps, I have been doing post-bac work for a while now (5 semesters) and it takes a lot to improve GPA. If I had it to do all over again I would do an SMP (usually just one year, and might be one of your best chances to get into a US MD school) As far as everyone saying choose DO over MD out of US this is bc for residency spots it goes MD (US schools), DO schools, and then out of US schools. So if you want a good shot at a good residency go for DO over the MD in caribbean. As far as applying this year, who knows I get mixed advice, if you are set on MD I would wait a year and strengthen your app. Good Luck.
why should DO come before Caribbean come long after?
The short version of the story is that a very small percentage of Caribbean graduates match into U.S. residencies, and the schools there are for-profit. DO schools are much more successful in the match process and are cheaper. I'm not exactly an expert on Carib schools, so I'll let someone else fill in the gaps. That's the essential info, though.

Also, should I be applying as soon as I can, or should I wait till next June?
I'd wait for the next cycle. That'll give you more time to get your GPA up and pad your resume with EC's. You'd also be a fairly late applicant if you submitted your AMCAS today, and that would work against you notably. Next year, you'll have all your materials in order and can have your app submitted on June 1.

When are you taking the MCAT? It sounds like you're getting ready to take it soon which is excellent. You'll have ample opportunity for a retake if you get a score you're unhappy with.

SMP's typically have application deadlines in the spring or early summer, and you can start applying in December at some point. If you're a non-science major and/or don't have all that many classes under your belt, you should hold off on SMP's for awhile and focus on taking science courses to improve your GPA. At the very least, you want your science and overall GPA's above a 3.0. After that, apply, and if you aren't having any luck by December, apply to some SMP's.
MCAT is september 6th...and I study over 9 hours a day 7 days a week. I know this is my last chance.

What if I do post bac? When am i supposed to apply for those?
Also, how is an MD different from DO? Are they just limited by lisencing out of the US? If i go to DO will i still be able to specialize?
MCAT is september 6th...and I study over 9 hours a day 7 days a week. I know this is my last chance.

What if I do post bac? When am i supposed to apply for those?
Also, how is an MD different from DO? Are they just limited by lisencing out of the US? If i go to DO will i still be able to specialize?

You are correct, one of the critical differences between DO and MD is that countries outside the US are less friendly to DOs practicing--but most people plan to practice in America, so this is not a problem. If you were interested in practicing in Canada or something, this would be a serious concern. DOs have their own DO residencies which lead to all the same specialties, so you need not worry about that. You also always have the choice of applying to MD residencies, but that will be harder to do as an DO than as an American MD (though still easier than a foreign MD).