2015-2016 Morehouse School of Medicine Application Thread

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So you guys are getting the background check emails before the acceptance letters?

+100 anxiety

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I interviewed on 2/26/2016. It seems like most heard something back from MSM pretty quickly. But when is the average time I should receive some type of status update from MSM?
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ACCEPTED!!!!! This morning I got the background check e-mail, decided to give them a call, sure enough, I was accepted last week... They told me to look out in the mail for the official letter... I'm at work but I'll post my stats, complete dates, interview dates, etc. when I get a chance! Overall, God is Real and God is good!!
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Actually, I have sometime on my break so I'll go ahead tell my story. I'm a very non-traditional student, I grew up literally a couple of miles from the school in the West side of Atlanta. To those of you who are familiar with the area, or if you're not, it is affectionately known as "the Bluff"... To me, it was home though... I never felt like it was that bad, until I was able to go to private school on a scholarship... I was fortunate enough to have a great mentor in my church who hooked me up with the right people... Skipping to freshman year of college, I was a wild child, running around Georgia State University, and barely making it through... I failed organic chemistry, twice, and I dropped out of school after a letting my GPA slip to 1.6 overall... That was definitely my lowest point... I left Georgia State, and I went into the military... Changed my life completely... Skipping forward, because I don't have much time, I RESTARTED my college career at Georgia Perimeter... I excelled! I won a bunch of awards, took 23 hours in one semester, was overall killing college... Wasn't sure about medicine but I knew I wanted to be in healthcare... Got a bunch of offers for pharmacy school when I got my Asso. Degree, and I took the PCAT and went... I started volunteering at the local pharmacy and hospice, and I fell in love with hospice work... I really felt like just being there made such a difference for the patients, and I left Pharmacy school in my first year to go back to Georgia State... At State, I have been getting A's and working my butt off, took the new MCAT (didn't really study for it) but did very well... Signed up on AMCAS in June, submitted my data in August, got the secondary Sept., then the interview was scheduled for Nov. 11th... Interview was pushed back to Dec 18th... Had an awesome interview session with some great candidates, I felt like I really connected with the students (I know a bunch of them outside of the school) and the staff... I just found out this morning so the wait was intense... I'm writing this to say that it is not easy... I have failed so many times... I have had so many set backs... Mostly because of my own foolishness.. But if I can rise up and take my 1.6 GPA to a 3.3 GPA (not including Pharmacy), then you can too... It is possible, even if you're from a bad neighborhood or from not so good circumstances... Just keep going and decide that you are going to commit to something you are passionate about, or you believe you can make a difference in.. Pray, cry, doubt, go through your low place, but just know that if you keep fighting, you can make it... If you are waiting on a decision, keep waiting and know that it is not a NO yet... That's what kept me going, just knowing I did the best I could, and that the decision isn't final until it is... You can do, God is REAL he will help you, pray and ask Him for help, he will not let you stay in a low place for long... If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me, and God Bless.. I write this to give you hope, because I know this is so difficult to bear alone...

P.S. If there is typos and all that, sorry I'm on my break so I gotta write this fast!
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Actually, I have sometime on my break so I'll go ahead tell my story. I'm a very non-traditional student, I grew up literally a couple of miles from the school in the West side of Atlanta. To those of you who are familiar with the area, or if you're not, it is affectionately known as "the Bluff"... To me, it was home though... I never felt like it was that bad, until I was able to go to private school on a scholarship... I was fortunate enough to have a great mentor in my church who hooked me up with the right people... Skipping to freshman year of college, I was a wild child, running around Georgia State University, and barely making it through... I failed organic chemistry, twice, and I dropped out of school after a letting my GPA slip to 1.6 overall... That was definitely my lowest point... I left Georgia State, and I went into the military... Changed my life completely... Skipping forward, because I don't have much time, I RESTARTED my college career at Georgia Perimeter... I excelled! I won a bunch of awards, took 23 hours in one semester, was overall killing college... Wasn't sure about medicine but I knew I wanted to be in healthcare... Got a bunch of offers for pharmacy school when I got my Asso. Degree, and I took the PCAT and went... I started volunteering at the local pharmacy and hospice, and I fell in love with hospice work... I really felt like just being there made such a difference for the patients, and I left Pharmacy school in my first year to go back to Georgia State... At State, I have been getting A's and working my butt off, took the new MCAT (didn't really study for it) but did very well... Signed up on AMCAS in June, submitted my data in August, got the secondary Sept., then the interview was scheduled for Nov. 11th... Interview was pushed back to Dec 18th... Had an awesome interview session with some great candidates, I felt like I really connected with the students (I know a bunch of them outside of the school) and the staff... I just found out this morning so the wait was intense... I'm writing this to say that it is not easy... I have failed so many times... I have had so many set backs... Mostly because of my own foolishness.. But if I can rise up and take my 1.6 GPA to a 3.3 GPA (not including Pharmacy), then you can too... It is possible, even if you're from a bad neighborhood or from not so good circumstances... Just keep going and decide that you are going to commit to something you are passionate about, or you believe you can make a difference in.. Pray, cry, doubt, go through your low place, but just know that if you keep fighting, you can make it... If you are waiting on a decision, keep waiting and know that it is not a NO yet... That's what kept me going, just knowing I did the best I could, and that the decision isn't final until it is... You can do, God is REAL he will help you, pray and ask Him for help, he will not let you stay in a low place for long... If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me, and God Bless.. I write this to give you hope, because I know this is so difficult to bear alone...

P.S. If there is typos and all that, sorry I'm on my break so I gotta write this fast!
Congrats! Well deserved!!
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Accepted! Interviewed 2/19, got the background check email on 2/26! Called this morning and was told that I'm in! God is good yal. :)
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Accepted! Interviewed 2/19, got the background check email on 2/26! Called this morning and was told that I'm in! God is good yal. :)
Am I reading that correctly? Did you really get the email 7 days later?
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Has anyone who has submitted their deposit and letter of acknowledgement received any kind of communication from the school?
Has anyone who has submitted their deposit and letter of acknowledgement received any kind of communication from the school?
Yes. I emailed the the day that I submitted everything via mail. They responded back acknowledging my email. They sent a separate email a few days following that they received my deposit (cashier's check).
Yes. I emailed the the day that I submitted everything via mail. They responded back acknowledging my email. They sent a separate email a few days following that they received my deposit (cashier's check).
oh so no like financial aid stuff or anything?
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oh so no like financial aid stuff or anything?
Nothing yet. From the looks of the their website, I don't believe they have financial aid materials/applications posted just yet. They have materials from last year, which would probably be helpful to look at. The biggest thing I saw was the have your parents information provided on the FAFSA if you want institutional (need based) aid.

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Yes! I'm OOS..

Hey! Did you get your letter yet? I have another interview next week and I'm contemplating if I should take the trip or not based on when I receive my official letter in the mail. I live out of state as well.
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Hey! Did you get your letter yet? I have another interview next week and I'm contemplating if I should take the trip or not based on when I receive my official letter in the mail. I live out of state as well.

You should go to ALL interviews if you aren't sitting on an official acceptance from your #1 choice of school.

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Hey! Did you get your letter yet? I have another interview next week and I'm contemplating if I should take the trip or not based on when I receive my official letter in the mail. I live out of state as well.

No, haven't received it yet. But hopefully soon
Hey! Did you get your letter yet? I have another interview next week and I'm contemplating if I should take the trip or not based on when I receive my official letter in the mail. I live out of state as well.

I haven't gotten anything yet either, I live around the corner from the school (literally 5 minutes away), and I don't get my mail until around 4:00-5:00pm... I'll will keep you post, I agree with MedSchool though I would definitely go to every interview I'm offered regardless...
You should go to ALL interviews if you aren't sitting on an official acceptance from your #1 choice of school.

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Morehouse is my number 1. Was notified of acceptance via phone. Just waiting on the letter which they said I should receive this week.

Either way, my next interview isn't until Monday.

Morehouse is my number 1. Was notified of acceptance via phone. Just waiting on the letter which they said I should receive this week.

Either way, my next interview isn't until Monday.


If you were notified via phone then you are accepted, no need to wait on snail mail to confirm it. Im sure they may make mistakes via phone but in this case highly unlikely. You got your #1 acceptance, forget the other. If you are sold then any other interviews will be wasted time and money that you could be using toward preparing to go to morehouse! Congrats. Go celebrate. Interviews are exhausting anyway lol
If you were notified via phone then you are accepted, no need to wait on snail mail to confirm it. Im sure they may make mistakes via phone but in this case highly unlikely. You got your #1 acceptance, forget the other. If you are sold then any other interviews will be wasted time and money that you could be using toward preparing to go to morehouse! Congrats. Go celebrate. Interviews are exhausting anyway lol

My exact thought process. We are on the same page.

Thanks for the encouragement!
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I interviewed 2 months ago and still haven't got anything in the mail. I'm wondering if I should call instead. Has anyone tried calling to get their application status?
My exact thought process. We are on the same page.

Thanks for the encouragement!
Morehouse is my number 1. Was notified of acceptance via phone. Just waiting on the letter which they said I should receive this week.

Either way, my next interview isn't until Monday.

If you don't plan on attending make sure you call and cancel your appointments because the school will contact Morehouse and let them know you were a no call no show for an interview. I was told that during my interview when over 4 students didn't show up.
I interviewed 2 months ago and still haven't got anything in the mail. I'm wondering if I should call instead. Has anyone tried calling to get their application status?
I'm considering calling next week if I don't hear, I'm in the same boat as you.
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So people that were accepted haven't received any correspondence yet? Besides acknowledgement of the deposit
If you don't plan on attending make sure you call and cancel your appointments because the school will contact Morehouse and let them know you were a no call no show for an interview. I was told that during my interview when over 4 students didn't show up.

I actually just postponed the interview. I figured that would be the best thing to do.

Thank you for looking out. I appreciate it!
I interviewed 2 months ago and still haven't got anything in the mail. I'm wondering if I should call instead. Has anyone tried calling to get their application status?
I called the office on Tuesday and they were able to provide me a status update, well, as much of an update as there was to give which is that committee has not made a decision yet. The person I spoke with was very nice and receptive to my call. It is my understanding from one of my interviewers that committee meets every Mondays. I'm not sure as it gets later into the season if they are meeting more frequently.
I called the office on Tuesday and they were able to provide me a status update, well, as much of an update as there was to give which is that committee has not made a decision yet. The person I spoke with was very nice and receptive to my call. It is my understanding from one of my interviewers that committee meets every Mondays. I'm not sure as it gets later into the season if they are meeting more frequently.

If you're comfortable with it, can you share your stats? As in GPA/MCAT?
Accepted! Interviewed 2/19, got the background check email on 2/26! Called this morning and was told that I'm in! God is good yal. :)

Also accepted!! Interviewed 2/19, received the background check email 2/26, called today and was told the acceptance letter was in the mail. So excited!!!
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Also accepted!! Interviewed 2/19, received the background check email 2/26, called today and was told the acceptance letter was in the mail. So excited!!!

congrats!! i wish the letter would get here already lol
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Got my letter tonight! It is on the way for those who are waiting!
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Anyone else interview early in the cycle, got wait listed and are just mindlessly checking this forum constantly like me? Lol
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Anyone else interview early in the cycle, got wait listed and are just mindlessly checking this forum constantly like me? Lol

Lol yep. But my mom let me know I got a letter today back home. Then promptly fell asleep before telling me what it said. Hopefully good news! There's still hope!
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How time flies. I remember interviewing in February 2014, accepted in March 2014. Its a great school. I'm not at Morehouse, chose to go to a state school, but it was a tough decision. Good luck ya'll and they pull from the waitlist really late into the year.
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Got accepted to this amazing institution from the waitlist this weekend! Unfortunately, I'll be matriculating elsewhere. I'll step aside and let you guys have this one. Good Luck!
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How long did it take after sending the $100 to receive an email saying they got it?
Anyone know about how full the class is at this point?
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