Hi there
I’ll be honest in that KYCOM is in the middle of a very white area. Having said that, I feel like we truly support and care about each other regardless of background, ethnicity, religion, or sexuality. We have students from a variety of backgrounds but I do wish we had a little more. We have Pride week, BLM protests etc. We want everyone to feel welcome and I have seen the same from the community. This is something that I honestly did not think about coming to the area and was pleasantly surprised by the reactions I have seen. I am originally from Louisville KY which is a pretty big city. Not claiming to be Chicago or NYC by any means lol but much bigger than Pikeville and I fell in love with the little town here. There isn’t a ton to do or a variety of places to go, but it was perfect for what I needed to accomplish and the scenery is well, serene
Tons of outdoor activities and a small amount of shopping. The only 2 things I wish we had are closer access to a bigger city with more options and an airport that has commercial flights. The people here you can’t beat and the classes get along pretty well but everyone has their smaller groups they study with. The one thing I like most about KYCOM is that we are not competitive with each other. We all want to succeed and want each other to as well. It really is more of a family. Hope that helps! Feel free to message me any time