2024-2025 UC San Francisco

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OOS R complete [emoji29[emoji29[emoji292]]]/1 ripppp

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+1 INTL pre-II R received today at 11:14AM. Complete 09/17.
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ouch.. this one hurt the most 🙁
+1 IS pre-II R complete 10/3
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+1 pre-II R, complete early August I think. Unfortunate, but I got the email right before going into an interview so it didn't hit that hard LOL. Good luck everyone.
Getting hit with the UCSF/Michigan double kill

New vid calling out UCSF 👀.. seems relevant for MSTP applicants

This is crazy. Regardless of whether the school had reason or not to dismiss said student, there are several instances where I can't help but think that their behavior was really petty and disappointing.
OOS Pre-II R, complete 8/20. Good luck to those still waiting!!
This is crazy. Regardless of whether the school had reason or not to dismiss said student, there are several instances where I can't help but think that their behavior was really petty and disappointing.
UCSF failed her big time... they lacked communication during the process of dismissal. Being dismissed is no joke, not even the lowest ranked DO school will take a dismissed student.