2024-2025 Western Michigan (Stryker)

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Just got another email about being under phone interview consideration for the second time nearly a month after the initial…seems to be a pre interview hold saying I’ve been reviewed and will be reviewed again at every admissions meeting

This process is so depressing and draining
Just got their monthly update email as well. I wouldn't read into it too much. This school just likes sending that monthly email.

But yes, this process is extremely draining. Going through it a second time is rough too.

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just got another phone consideration email today...was complete on 7/18, moved to experience review on 8/12, first consideration was 8/20
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Just received an email saying my application is under review for a virtual interview. They are sending the first round of IIs this week!
Was your app already under review for a virtual interview? After you have the phone II, you're automatically moved to consideration for virtual II
Email update I got:

Our goal throughout this admissions cycle is to be as transparent as possible, to keep you up-to-date of your status, where we are in the admissions process, and to do those things monthly. With that being said, your application is currently under review for a virtual interview. We will send our first round of virtual interview invites out this week! We will continue to invite applicants (roughly 450) for a virtual interview on a rolling basis until mid-March. Your application has been and will be reviewed at each admissions committee meeting for a virtual interview throughout the entire cycle. Our virtual interviews begin Friday, October 4th and will conclude Friday, March 14th.
Was your app already under review for a virtual interview? After you have the phone II, you're automatically moved to consideration for virtual II
Yes! I completed the phone II on 8/14; I'm just stating the update email I got.
Another email about being under phone consideration for a month and a half. I’m taking this long time as being a hold
Also got an email saying under consideration for a phone interview. Secondary Submitted on 08/07. LM 66.8
Email update I got:

Our goal throughout this admissions cycle is to be as transparent as possible, to keep you up-to-date of your status, where we are in the admissions process, and to do those things monthly. With that being said, your application is currently under review for a virtual interview. We will send our first round of virtual interview invites out this week! We will continue to invite applicants (roughly 450) for a virtual interview on a rolling basis until mid-March. Your application has been and will be reviewed at each admissions committee meeting for a virtual interview throughout the entire cycle. Our virtual interviews begin Friday, October 4th and will conclude Friday, March 14th.
got the same update email!
I hope this email finds you well! Our goal throughout this admissions cycle is to be as transparent as possible, to keep you up-to-date of your status, where we are in the admissions process, and to do those things monthly. With that being said, your application is currently in queue to be reviewed by our experience reviewers.
+ 1 to this.
Just got an email saying I am finally officially under experience review after receiving the “in queue for experience review” email 10 minutes prior lol. Complete 7/5
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what? like from experience review to phone interview?
no like my last email was under consideration for phone interview and yesterday they sent me an email saying under review for phone interview. It’s prob just a monthly update since that’s what the subject of the email was about.
Complete 9/4 and got this email on 9/4:
Thank you for completing your WMed secondary application. At this time, all components of your application have been received and are considered complete. For the next step, we will review the experiences section of your application. You will recieve a notification email from us once your application is under review.

got this email today: 9/9
Your application has moved into the experiences review step in the application review process at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine.

not sure if this is helpful to anyone
Complete 9/4 and got this email on 9/4:
Thank you for completing your WMed secondary application. At this time, all components of your application have been received and are considered complete. For the next step, we will review the experiences section of your application. You will recieve a notification email from us once your application is under review.

got this email today: 9/9
Your application has moved into the experiences review step in the application review process at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine.

not sure if this is helpful to anyone
Are you in state?
Just moved into it too. My LM's pretty close to yours, wondering if they are doing it by batches in that way.
Nope. Because mine is also around there and a bunch of other peoples. I had experience review late July/early August. They do it holistically, and in a med school way that none of us will ever actually understand lol.