23 Days Out - Please help with my Schedule! Took 2 FLs and haven't started SB

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7+ Year Member
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
I am a little over 3 weeks out from my exam date (August 24th). I took:

  1. AAMC Un-scored sample last week and scored a 510 [C/P: 126, CARS: 128, B/BC: 126, P/S: 130]
  2. AAMC FL5 (Scored) today and scored a 509 [C/P: 125, CARS: 126, B/BC: 129, P/S: 129]
Regarding content review, I still have to go through 4 chapters of Ochem, but besides that I am done.

In terms of AAMC material, I haven't started the section banks or the Qpacks. Also, I have done a little bit of UWORLD (about 38%) and it's been great but I want to do SO much more.

Can you guys please guide me on how to create my schedule? I am consistently struggling so bad with timing on c/p, literally cold guessing on 2 passages every time :(. How should I be scheduling out my last 3 weeks here?

What do you guys think is an attainable target score that I can set for myself in 3 weeks?

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515 is doable. You really need to hone in on C/P, as there are a lot of points being left on the table there. What kind of questions are you getting wrong in C/P? Feel free to message if want to discuss any particular problems or strategies.

B/B can be hard to improve, but a 129 on FL5 is really solid. How do you think you can improve this section further?

Your CARS is great. Keep it up!

For P/S, keep taking questions in UWorld and AAMC question packs and review the problems you are getting wrong.