25P, 3.59 BCPM/ 3.53 totalGPA...Georgia Resident

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Jul 22, 2008
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Hello to all, just wondering what ya'll think my chances are? A little background: my freshman year was pretty bad, i ended up with a 2.67GPA. Now my GPA is a 3.61 (3.59 BCPM). Pretty much made 4.0's ever since my freshman year, which included the harder classes a pre-med must take. I was first in my O-chem, top 10 in Biochem, top 15 in Bio I class, and top 10 in both physics. I tutored O-chem students and TAed an O-chem lab. I volunteer with the Red Cross, and have a ton of clinical experience including a summer internship at Grady Hospital in Atlanta (a huge trauma 1 hospital) and I will be the first physician in my family. As for the MCAT, first time i took it made a 23N, (8 VR, 7 PS, 8 BS). Not the best of days to take it b/c I had just gotten a subpoena from the damn RIAA demanding money for illegal downloads (turns out it wasn't me and someone had hacked into my account and done this) the day before my MCAT! Nonetheless, the retake I thought I did a ton better, but only got 25P, (7 VR, 8 PS, 10 BS). I thought I did the best on verbal and PS but not so. Anyway, any comments are greatly appreciated.

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Your GPA is OK. Your MCAT is going to sink you at MD schools. You can try the DO route, or take the MCAT and aim for a 33+.
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Agreed. Your GPA is decent, but you need to retake the MCAT. The 7 in verbal will also get you screened out of most schools (8 cutoff).