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7+ Year Member
Dec 28, 2013
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I've just completed my first year of podiatry school and so far I have a 3.3 GPA. Is this considered a good GPA when it comes time to apply for residency?

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I've just completed my first year of podiatry school and so far I have a 3.3 GPA. Is this considered a good GPA when it comes time to apply for residency?

break a 3.0 (the higher the better), work hard, be normal...get the program you want.
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I would look at class rank much more than GPA, because this GPA will mean different things from different schools. I would say that your GPA and class rank mean more to get a clerkship, then would become less important once the program gets to know you. Choose clerkships carefully, try to avoid ending up at a program where you did not spend a month.