3.35 sGPA 3.50 cGPA MCAT 37 Q CA Reapplicant - school list

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Mar 18, 2008
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So, its coming down to the wire, my AMCAS just verified and I need to add my schools.

I have heavy volunteering exp (1.5+ years), along with work experience (not in healthcare), tutoring, and no research.

I have a lot of schools on my list and need to trim them to a more manageable size. Any that focus too much on research or ones that I wouldn't have a chance with?

UCSD CA 3.8 3.8 35 73
U of Chicago IL 3.8 3.8 35 73
Mt. Sinai NY 3.8 3.8 35 73
U of Pittsburgh PA 3.8 3.8 35 73
U of Southern California CA 3.7 3.7 35 72
UC Davis CA 3.7 3.6 32 69
UC Irvine CA 3.7 3.7 32 69

Rosalind Franklin IL 3.7 3.7 31 68
Loyola IL 3.7 3.6 31 68
U of Illinois IL 3.7 3.6 31 68
U at Buffalo NY 3.7 3.6 31 68
Penn State PA 3.7 3.7 31 68
Temple PA 3.7 3.7 31 68
Rush IL 3.6 3.6 31 67
Albany NY 3.6 3.5 31 67
NYMC NY 3.6 3.6 31 67
U of Toledo OH 3.7 3.6 30 67
Drexel PA 3.6 3.6 31 67
U of S. Carolina SC 3.7 3.7 30 67

EVMS VA 3.6 3.5 31 67
GWU DC 3.6 3.5 30 66
Tulane LA 3.5 3.4 31 66
USUHS MD 3.6 3.5 30 66
Michigan State MI 3.6 3.5 30 66
Marshall WV 3.6 3.5 27 63
Morehouse GA 3.4 3.3 27 61
Howard DC 3.4 3.3 25 59
Meharry TN 3.4 3.2 25 59

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Are you CA resident? URM/black? (Meharry, etc).

Need more info...list looks pretty good, though...state of residency might help you to prune it, though...
Yea I am a CA resident. I didn't think it would be that much of a negative, but now i guess it is.
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List looks good to me, too :) You might want to check how Marshall regards OOSers -- I can't quite remember if they favor WV residents.

Anyway, up to you. Good luck!
U Chicago is research oriented. Consider removing it.
Applied with very similar stats to yours--

schools I would strongly consider adding: Virginia Commonwealth, Wake Forest, Tufts, Univ of Cincinnati, & Case Western.

schools I would strongly consider dropping: South Carolina, Rush, Penn State, Marshall, Michigan state, the traditionally black schools (unless you're black...)

best of luck!