MD 505 mcat Student Athlete-What are my chances/School list

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5+ Year Member
Oct 19, 2017
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Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could get some help with a school list and what everyone thinks about my chances landing some interviews and acceptances in the upcoming cycle. Here are my stats and a little about myself

Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Residency: California resident (US citizen)/ Permanent resident of New Zealand

BS Exercise Science / Double Minor: Chemistry/Biology
cGPA: 3.59
sGPA: 3.49
(Significant upward trend. Since 2nd Semester Soph year I have maintained between 3.7-4.0)
MCAT (8/19/16): 501
MCAT (8/18/17): 505 (125/125/127/128)

Student Athlete: Basketball NCAA Div.II

Shadowing: 100+ hours with:
Trauma Surgeon~30
Dermatologist, surgical specialty (mohs)~40

Volunteer: I have volunteered at various places however I would consider most of them non-medical although related to medical issues. I will list only a few as I have done many.

In a Heartbeat Foundation(2017-2018): Educate youth on cardiac arrest and the importance of knowing how to use AED's and car. Fundraising events to buy and then donate AED's to Universities and Businesses.

Mesothelioma Foundation of America (2012-2018): Educated and updated the California local 250 association of Steamfitters and Pipefitters on new advances in cancer research as it pertains to lung cancer and mesothelioma. I have also attended/spoken at fundraising events as well as written newsletters for the organization.

Team Impact (2014-2018): I mentored an individual who suffers from mitochondrial syndrome and had patent ductus arteriosus corrected soon after birth. He suffers from extremely low energy, and a lot of social trouble including anxiety and most interaction. My mentoring consists of giving him basketball lessons, family dinners, as well as basketball camps at his school. He was also inducted as an honorary member of the basketball team I played for while in college.


No publications but I did a pilot study for something that is going on right now but will likely not be published any time soon.

I will have 2 poster presentations by the time of my application (1 in april 1 at the end of may) in regards to microbiology and the importance of finding new antibiotics to prevent the catastrophe that multi-drug resistant pathogens will inevitably cause without further research/findings (in conjunction with Small World Initiative).

Leadership Experiences:

I was a Varsity Collegiate Athlete (Basketball) and was captain for 2 years.
Won Male Student Athlete of the Year
Various other Academic/Athletic based awards

Tutor for exercise physiology and anatomy

Vice president for the Exercise Physiology Club (2014-2015)

So in conclusion I don't really know where my application falls. I know my stats are a little low but I feel as if I ave a pretty decent resume/activity list and was wondering how much being a student athlete will help my application (so hard to balance everything, although I know it doesn't make up for any deficiencies). I have good letters of rec and my personal statement is about to be finished and I feel that its strong (doesn't everybody! haha). But If anyone could help with a possible school list and general feel for my app that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all!!

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You are competitive for all DO schools so apply to at least 8 and you should receive several interviews. You could receive interviews with your stats at a few MD schools and I suggest these:
Loma Linda
California University (new school)
George Washington
Oakland Beaumont
Rosalind Franklin
Seton Hall
any new schools that may open for 2019 (Kaiser, Roseman)