7/29/11 MCAT Club!

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Though I might start up a club on this date! Good luck to you all!:luck:

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Has anyone started studying yet? I have been mostly working on my application and casually studying the last week and a half. Now that my application is just about done I plan on kicking it into full gear after memorial day.
Has anyone started studying yet? I have been mostly working on my application and casually studying the last week and a half. Now that my application is just about done I plan on kicking it into full gear after memorial day.

I've bought all my books and made a study plan 2 weeks ago but I think today was the first time I sat down and made myself study...for like two hours. i haven't prepared my application yet. :scared:
Hello everyone, am also taking the mcat on this day, i hope we all stay focus and do well. Any study tips you have seen working so far?
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I used ExamCrackers material ( a LOT) last summer and this summer Im using Kaplan which I like much better, but a lot of students do prefer exam crackers.
Hey all,

I'm taking it on this date too and plan on hitting the books seriously this coming Monday until test week rolls around.

So far I'm using The Berkeley Review for PS and should be jumping over to EK for BS and Verbal.

Good luck to everyone. :)
last week I did not buckle down as I would've like to so I am determined to do so starting Monday! I'm using the Kaplan review books for biology, physics, gen chem, and may or may not review ochem. I'm also using the princeton review for verbal reasoning because I did not like the Kaplan method and I've heard good things about the princeton. I'm also planning on working passages from EK. My goal is to do a chapter of review each day and 2 passages a day. Each day I will review a different subject to try and keep everything somewhat fresh as test day gets closer. About a month before I'm going to start doing the FL from the AAMC site and hopefully this method works! What do you guys think? Any major flaws with this plan?
last week I did not buckle down as I would've like to so I am determined to do so starting Monday! I'm using the Kaplan review books for biology, physics, gen chem, and may or may not review ochem. I'm also using the princeton review for verbal reasoning because I did not like the Kaplan method and I've heard good things about the princeton. I'm also planning on working passages from EK. My goal is to do a chapter of review each day and 2 passages a day. Each day I will review a different subject to try and keep everything somewhat fresh as test day gets closer. About a month before I'm going to start doing the FL from the AAMC site and hopefully this method works! What do you guys think? Any major flaws with this plan?

Thats pretty much what im aiming to do, I have a FL test planned for June 13 because i want to also see where i stand after a few weeks of review??
Thats pretty much what im aiming to do, I have a FL test planned for June 13 because i want to also see where i stand after a few weeks of review??

Good luck! I'm following SN2ed schedule for the practice tests and that puts my first practice test on June 27th. Not sure if I can wait that long to see how well my studying is going!
good luck to all of you! hoping we get the scores we all want and get accepted this cycle! we have less than two months to rock this :)
is this MCAT late for MD schools because scores won't come until August 30....so we already missed the first batch of early interviews that begin in September
is this MCAT late for MD schools because scores won't come until August 30....so we already missed the first batch of early interviews that begin in September

I guess its definitely not considered early. However, i took the MCAT September 9 last year and got a late interview (march).
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i think we will be able to make the batch of interviews that start near the end of october hopefully.
oh your so hopeful and that optimism is what I need to hear because I do not want to be waitlisted if I get a good score.
with a good score, you will get accepted! :) prayers and hard work for 30+. you all can do it!

yea, with a good score, i dont think they will waitlist us... yup alot of prayer and hard work.. we got less than two months for this.
I am also taking on that date! Anyone in the blacksburg,roanoke virginia area want to start a study group? Also I got the TPR hyperlearning set, compared to the BR which one is better? ahhhhhhhhhh
is this MCAT late for MD schools because scores won't come until August 30....so we already missed the first batch of early interviews that begin in September

You are probably right about the September interviews but not all schools have September interviews (atleast the schools that I'm applying to do not start their interviews until October). So for me this was an ideal date for maximizing the amount of time to study and still have my score in before the interviews were awarded.

anyone take any practice exams? What are people scoring?

I'm planning on starting the AAMC practice tests in about 2 weeks and will do one every 4 days or so until the test. Still going through all the review books...:lame:
yes when is everyone starting AAMC Exams? and also I am using EK, TPR Online class books, Kaplan In class books as of now

I will also pray for everyone to do well and get into their school of choice:)
just thought I'd post to see how everyone's studying has been going? Personally had a rough day with motivation and focusing. I'm going to try and finish day strong though!
just thought I'd post to see how everyone's studying has been going? Personally had a rough day with motivation and focusing. I'm going to try and finish day strong though!

I definitely have days like that tooo, Im trying to finish the review books by the end of this month!
I took aamc3 right before my 10 week study schedule and right after a couple of weeks vacation. I got a score acceptable to me.

I'm taking about one aamc test a week, and so far they all fall within a narrow 4 point range. At this rate I will take aamc11 about a week and a half before the exam, and do the practice problems in the Official MCAT Guide about half a week before the exam.

Since my scores are already acceptable to me and I'm seeing no improvement despite my treating studying as my full time job, I'm thinking I should have skipped the studying and just signed up for an earlier MCAT. Oh well, c'est la vie.
purpose of this post is to gauge interest and share the study techniques with my fellow 7/29ers- hope all of you are doing well with primary AMCAS too!
So, here is the deal:
For PS: Completely dependent on EK, although some times they are too straight forward and thus, I refer to Kaplan for better explanation sine Kaplan does TONS of explanation the easier way. After each chapter, I use 1001 question to review the topics mentally and hone the material hard
For VS: Again, EK 101 passages. Aiming for 1 test/day and have been scoring at a rate of about 10-12 wrong per exam, which I am okay with
For BS: Use EK book and again, 1001 questions after each.
I aim to review all material by the end of this week and it will just practice through Kaplan and AAMC FLs in the last 14 days. Any suggestions?
Good luck guys!
purpose of this post is to gauge interest and share the study techniques with my fellow 7/29ers- hope all of you are doing well with primary AMCAS too!
So, here is the deal:
For PS: Completely dependent on EK, although some times they are too straight forward and thus, I refer to Kaplan for better explanation sine Kaplan does TONS of explanation the easier way. After each chapter, I use 1001 question to review the topics mentally and hone the material hard
For VS: Again, EK 101 passages. Aiming for 1 test/day and have been scoring at a rate of about 10-12 wrong per exam, which I am okay with
For BS: Use EK book and again, 1001 questions after each.
I aim to review all material by the end of this week and it will just practice through Kaplan and AAMC FLs in the last 14 days. Any suggestions?
Good luck guys!

sounds like a good plan.. basically know your contents good and practice , practice .. good luck to us all and lets get that 30+ score!!
Im too scared to take a practice exam while im still doing chapters out of my review books

I understand that but regardless of what score you get you know that it’s only going to go up from there! Don't delay getting good practice of actually taking the test! I believe it's going to be beneficial and help you focus on the areas you struggle on and maybe give you an idea the areas you haven’t covered yet but seem to have a grasp on from ugrad studies and therefore don’t need to cover! :)
I just got my score back, 25P, way lower than what I want/need given by 3.3s gpa but I guess I need tons and tons ofpractice. I'm trying to find examkrackers 1001 passages somewhere but just can't. Does anyone know where i can get a hold of them? thanks
I just got my score back, 25P, way lower than what I want/need given by 3.3s gpa but I guess I need tons and tons ofpractice. I'm trying to find examkrackers 1001 passages somewhere but just can't. Does anyone know where i can get a hold of them? thanks

I got mine from overstock.com, sometimes it takes a while for shipping.
I just got my score back, 25P, way lower than what I want/need given by 3.3s gpa but I guess I need tons and tons ofpractice. I'm trying to find examkrackers 1001 passages somewhere but just can't. Does anyone know where i can get a hold of them? thanks

I got mine from Amazon, about $80 for 4 books! I have been doing every 5th problem in that book! good luck!
What are you guys scoring on your tests?

I'm planning on taking my first full length next Wednesday.. How are you scoring so far? Unfortunately I'm a retaker so I've taken almost all of the AAMC full lengths :(