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10+ Year Member
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Feb 18, 2006
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Ok, so I haven't been accepted yet for 2006. In order to ensure acceptance for 2007, what would you suggest with my stats?
CGPA: 3.12
SGPA: 3.17
AA: 19
TS: 19
BI0: 20
QR: 19
RC: 18
I have applied to a one year postbacc thingie (designed for students who have already completed their prereqs) for next year to raise my GPA. Is this post bacc necessary? Should I retake the DAT too? I am not looking for an easy way out. I just have to have time to work to pay my rent/bills too. Ya know. I am so confused, and I sincerely appreciate any words of advice.

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how are your dental experience and community service. i think these are important factors to consider as well.
jbeaner said:
Ok, so I haven't been accepted yet for 2006. In order to ensure acceptance for 2007, what would you suggest with my stats?
CGPA: 3.12
SGPA: 3.17
AA: 19
TS: 19
BI0: 20
QR: 19
RC: 18
I have applied to a one year postbacc thingie (designed for students who have already completed their prereqs) for next year to raise my GPA. Is this post bacc necessary? Should I retake the DAT too? I am not looking for an easy way out. I just have to have time to work to pay my rent/bills too. Ya know. I am so confused, and I sincerely appreciate any words of advice.

You should apply early (late May, early June) and apply to at least 15 to 20 schools. Also try to do like extra stuff such as research or dental experience if you don't have, your DAT is good enough to get you into good schools but if you feel like you didn't study 100% and you can do better of course that's the main thing that can get you into good schools.
post bacc. is not necessary but it's rather something positive that shows you're active academically.
Good Luck
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Thank you for your responses!!
I volunteered and also worked for a dentist as a front/back office dental assistant for a year. I have a ton of other community service and extracurriculars also. This year, my AADSAS was complete and "printed out" August 15th, but I did not take my DATs until October. So schools did not get them until November I guess. Also, I applied to about 10 additional schools in November. Do you guys think that this is why I had such a hard time this year?
jbeaner said:
Thank you for your responses!!
I volunteered and also worked for a dentist as a front/back office dental assistant for a year. I have a ton of other community service and extracurriculars also. This year, my AADSAS was complete and "printed out" August 15th, but I did not take my DATs until October. So schools did not get them until November I guess. Also, I applied to about 10 additional schools in November. Do you guys think that this is why I had such a hard time this year?

Oh yea october is very very very late. With those stats alone you would have gotten 1 school at least if you applied earlier. Just don't make that same mistake. You seem to have everything. DAT maybe you can score 1 more point on the AA if you can and you will be golden. Gluck. I'm applying next cycle maybe we will meet.
Thanks again...
Also, on AADSAS, do the schools look at the GPA w/o or the other GPA? Do they place more emphasis on Science or BCP GPA? :confused:
jbeaner said:
Thanks again...
Also, on AADSAS, do the schools look at the GPA w/o or the other GPA? Do they place more emphasis on Science or BCP GPA? :confused:

Your DAT scores are solid. I wouldn't worry about retaking unless you know you can do better. Most schools look at your most recent scores. So it could hurt you if you retest and do worse.

GPA is a little low. Try to take some additional science classes to raise your GPA. Schools will consider both overall and science GPA. Where did you do your undergrad work? If you did it at a reputable school, the low GPA may be justified.

APPLY EARLY!!!!! This makes all the difference.
Your stats aren't bad, but taking some classes over the next year couldn't hurt.
jbeaner said:
Thanks again...
Also, on AADSAS, do the schools look at the GPA w/o or the other GPA? Do they place more emphasis on Science or BCP GPA? :confused:

post bac cant hurt.... look for any program that offers some courses like the first year of dental, ie, anatomy, histo, bichem, etc etc, if you are near any med schools some may have a grad program like this.... its what I did to get into dental school. DAT scores are fine.... jsut show them you are always trying to learn. ohhh ... and CALL THEM ALL THE TIME!!!! that keeps you fresh on their mind... almost to the point of annoying them, this way they have to let you in, in order to shut you up. Overall science gpa is important to most schools btw..
Your DAT is average. Not bad, but not great. (remember that competition is going through the roof now-a-days) If your GPA was higher I would not suggest retaking the DAT but if you KNOW you can do better on the DAT and can get 20+, retake it. It will make your cycle far less stressful.

With a 20+ DAT, all your extra stuff and an early app, you will make it next cycle.

Good luck!
I'd retake the DAT. 20+ in all sections is important, given your gpa.

Apply as early as possible. Make sure your personal statement is ready to go and that your recommendations are ready to be sent out. Have everything in place by May.
Thanks everyone!