Albany Med "UC" List?

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May 15, 2004
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Does anyone know when they are going to let us know our status: accept, reject, or alternate wait list? Does anyone know how many people withdrew their acceptances and therefore opened up any spots for us hopefuls?

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I believe that I was told that the waiting list is being created right now, and that we should find out early june, hopefully next week.
I have read in past posts that we should be recieving an e-mail telling us that a waitlist is being created. Has anyone recieved this e-mail yet?
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I dont understand why they drag things out to begin with
lexlethal said:
I dont understand why they drag things out to begin with

i called just this week. the list should be out next week.
FYI all,

Int: 2/23
Acceptance off W/L (UC): 5/31!

I will be withdrawing so I hope one of you can get my spot!!!!! Good luck!!!
Albany Medical College

Interview 11-2
UC 12-6
Acc 2-17
WD 5-2

I was accepted the day after I e-mailed them my LOI. Good luck to those on the waitlist. :luck:
Scalpellum said:
Albany Medical College

Interview 11-2
UC 12-6
Acc 2-17
WD 5-2

I was accepted the day after I e-mailed them my LOI. Good luck to those on the waitlist. :luck:

You sent an LOI, was accepted, then withdrew the acceptance? doesn't that cause an issue?
Stratus2675 said:
You sent an LOI, was accepted, then withdrew the acceptance? doesn't that cause an issue?

I sent a letter of interest, not intent. Therefore there was no problem.