Any prior military use their CCAF credits?

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Dec 2, 2005
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Any prior military use their CCAF credits? If so, did you ask the education office to send AADSAS a copy. I'm a little confused on wheter to use these credits and how to put them in their. Help?

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They actually req'd that I send them a transcript from CCAF. Funny.

The credits I had didn't go towards anything, but were considered "college credits" and they require documenting all college credits.

Do a google search for CCAF and you'll find out how to order the transcripts.
tissy said:
Any prior military use their CCAF credits? If so, did you ask the education office to send AADSAS a copy. I'm a little confused on wheter to use these credits and how to put them in their. Help?

Prior Navy Corpsman/Surgical Tech here. I did put my Naval Schools on the app. only for AADSAS to remove them all. It created ALOT of confusion between AADSAS, myself, and my interviewing schools, but I just sent the Navy SMART transcript directly to the schools and it somewhat cleared things up. Just send your AF transcripts directly to the school and follow up to make sure they are posted to your file. My interviewing schools were impressed by my previous experience, but didn't really seem to grasp the intensity of the training we received as combat medics. Oh well, I'm in..
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Ankylosed said:
Prior Navy Corpsman/Surgical Tech here. I did put my Naval Schools on the app. only for AADSAS to remove them all. It created ALOT of confusion between AADSAS, myself, and my interviewing schools, but I just sent the Navy SMART transcript directly to the schools and it somewhat cleared things up. Just send your AF transcripts directly to the school and follow up to make sure they are posted to your file. My interviewing schools were impressed by my previous experience, but didn't really seem to grasp the intensity of the training we received as combat medics. Oh well, I'm in..

Thanks alot!! Yeah, it's already starting to cause confusion. I was Air Force active and now Air Guard so I'm still getting credits for my seven level school (E-7). Anyways, I called ADDSAS about how I should go about inserting them and they were just as confused as I am. So I'm going to take your advice and send them directly to the schools. Do you think I should still try inserting them through ADDSAS?

I can feel you on what you're talking about the intensity of training as combat medics. I just got done last month with hard core EMEDS training and it seems that its getting more intense as time passes.
tissy said:
Do you think I should still try inserting them through ADDSAS?
