Anyone going to CCOM?

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Jun 26, 2001
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Anyone out there who decided on CCOM? ....if so, Post all comments here!

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I hope so, but I'll find out by next Friday. <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
I'm planning to attend CCOM next year. Do you have any specific questions about the school?
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Hey everyone!

I also got accepted to CCOM and leaning towards going there. I think it's a very well established and reputable school with a great campus and location. I like the new library and that a new OMT lab will be ready for us nxt yr. Anybody know what else will be in the new building? A new anatomy lab, maybe? Well, students at CCOM seemed very supportive and seemed to enjoy it there. That's definately a plus.

I guess the reason why I'm still hesitant is that I don't know too much about the quality of their education there. Are instructors in good relation with students? Are they approachable and easily accessable? Is there a preceptorship prgm and pt simulator prgm for 1st and 2nd yr students? Are there opportunities for community health service. Midwestern is in the midst of a number of well established medical schools, NWU, LU, UC, UIC, etc. Is CCOM competitive in getting top choice rotation and residency sites? Will CCOM students get a wide exposure at their rotations? :confused:

Sorry for bombarding everyone with these questions. Maybe I'm just way too paranoid and have way too many questions. :p Yeah, maybe I am. :)

Well, I am excited 'bout going to med school. What other schools have y'all interviewed at and what you y'all chose CCOM?
Bumping on up...

Where are all the CCOM students? Please help us out by answering these questions. It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Good luck all!