Hello! Does anyone have recommendations for GPR/AEGD programs to check out that would be a good prerequisite for applying to Endo residency after?
Thank you!
Thank you!
Can i message you for more information about kings county? thanks!I will put a pitch my residency, again.
Kings County has an amazing endodontic attending as well as an abundant pool for endodontic cases. You will do many cases. You will perform both nonsurgical and surgical retreatments, as well as many initial RCTs as you want. But be forewarned, you will work. You will sleep in the hospital and take any dentoalveolar as well as maxillofacial trauma that comes in, and you will work alongside OMFS residents. You will wake up throughout the night to work on patients who have been been beat by metal chains to the face or have had numerous teeth shattered by a curb stomp, then round in the morning with the surgical residents only to see your own patients the morning after. It's one hell of a neighborhood in Brooklyn and being a level 1 trauma hospital, the worst cases get shuffled from the surrounding area over to the OMFS and GPR team.
That said, you will have clinical experiences that most dentists outside OMFS don't get. You will see many interdisciplinary cases of trauma and pathology that involve endodontic treatment, and the surgical skills you gain will carry on with you in the future. Many of us who went through the residency have ended up in OMFS and endodontic training after.
Denver Health for sure has the best endo opportunities as a GPR program one of the attendings is a endodontist. but they dont do implants so
I am currently a D2 interested in doing endo. Would you say Denver Health is not worth it then? Thank you!Not what I’ve heard from their residents. I also rotated there during dental school. Almost all endos are two appointments and usually a different resident finishes the case.
I know a number of people who have gone through that residency and not a single one was happy with their endo experience. Very few are even happy with their overall experience at that residency. Hearing their experiences, I would not recommend it.I am currently a D2 interested in doing endo. Would you say Denver Health is not worth it then? Thank you!
Thank you so muchI know a number of people who have gone through that residency and not a single one was happy with their endo experience. Very few are even happy with their overall experience at that residency. Hearing their experiences, I would not recommend it.