Better Emergency Medicine Atlas...

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Doc Brown

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15+ Year Member
Jun 12, 2006
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Hey everyone, so I'm trying to get my Emergency Medicine library up and going. Looking to purchase Roberts and Hedges, Emergency Ultrasound by Ma, and I also want to get an atlas.
Now I ran into the one by Knoop here and the one by Greenberg here
Any recommendations on which one is better?
The Greenberg one is newer (so better) and has more pictures. The Knoop one has a brown cover, but is cheaper. Bottom line: Too close to call.

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Doc Brown said:
Hey everyone, so I'm trying to get my Emergency Medicine library up and going. Looking to purchase Roberts and Hedges, Emergency Ultrasound by Ma, and I also want to get an atlas.
Now I ran into the one by Knoop here and the one by Greenberg here
Any recommendations on which one is better?
The Greenberg one is newer (so better) and has more pictures. The Knoop one has a brown cover, but is cheaper. Bottom line: Too close to call.

Wow, Greenberg has great images, including airway cam photos, etc. (love the nephrotic syndrome pic). I know what I want for X-mas :cool:
I have the Knoop book and love it. The pictures were great. It has great summaries. One of the things I noticed about the second book is that it doesn't give a good differential. The knoop book has the same pathophys, diagnosis, etc but it also gives you a good section on 'similar presentations' and at the end has a couple of key points for each disease that they are highlighting.