Biotech reinventor WAMC/School-List ( Low GPA 94% MCAT )

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New Member
Jun 9, 2024
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I am a 'reinventor' coming out of a 7 year biotechnology career. I did most of my schooling in SoCal and a 30/70 split of online and in-person post-bacc when I moved to Memphis. I had a hard time coping with an engagement that fell through right before we lost a close family member to a stroke. Scared to submit this app as-is.


Freshman . . . 3.7 - 36 units
Sophomore . . 3.3 - 34 units
Junior . . . . . . 2.8 - 39 units
Senior . . . . . . 2.6 - 41 units
6 year gap where I hope I did some growing up in the private sector
Postbacc . . . . 4.0 - 38 units (focused mainly on upper division biology)
7 units ongoing for the summer (anatomy/physiology II + lab and microbio lab etc.)

uGPA 3.088
sGPA 3.189

11 months ...
MCAT 517 (130/129/129/129)

2 Academic IAs :dead: for non-withdrawals and coping very poorly with personal life events.

18,000 hours spent at 3 startup companies and 1 academic core
Multiple patent claims that fell through due to the company falling apart (face in hands crying)
1 mid-tier pub

3 volunteer experiences spanning senior living and community health clinics at a modest 450 hours total,
I came away with some stories about meeting and impacting patients and friends despite the soft roles I had there.

~18 hours in Hem-Onc outpatient clinic current but many more on the way (shooting for 50 by EOY)

1 really old volunteer experience as a helper and patient transporter at a major surgery center in SoCal.

Starting a scribing job at a major emergency dept. in Memphis... 0 current hours but many anticipated.

Community volunteering at a small non-profit education lab in SoCal for like 1200 hours spread over the first 4 years of my education.

May I have a school list and some remarks about how to prepare for the next cycle?

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