bipolar illness? or just the blues?

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Nov 24, 2003
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Hello everyone,
I'm an occasional post-er on the dental forums, and I have a huge questions regarding mental illness....
First of all, I moved to Florida roughly 2 years ago, after living 18 years of my life in Maryland, a small country town where I was popular and had many friends. I did not take the move well, and still am not coping with it, as I have lost contact with many people back home and find myself lonlier than ever. As of late I have been having breakdowns, I'm not sure if finals that are approaching have been triggering this, or that I just am going "off the deep end". I find myself crying at the slightest things, though this never existed until I left Maryland, it was only in Florida that my troubles grew. Is this bipolar? From what I read on the internet, alot of my symptoms sound like this; then again, everything I read I think I have - sort of a hypchondriac. Then again, am I just in need of some adjustment therapy and counseling? I really would like to solve the depression in my life, its causing alot of anxiety and pain to not only me, but also my family members...HELP!

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I believe the proper DSM-IV TR diagnosis for you based of your brief history is Chronic Adjusted disorder with depressed mood. If you are really having that much trouble as you say you are, you may want to see a psychiatrist. You may benefit from cognitive therapy and medication. However, I don't believe this forum is for medical advice. Perhaps you should consult your physican next time you have inquiries related to your health. :confused:
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Not to disregard the above poster for his help but not one of us, Doctor or Not, can diagnose you from a message board. You need to see a healthcare proffesional involved in the area your needing help.
what you wrote doesn't sound anything like bipolar disorder. A little counseling usually doesn't hurt anybody though, even if you don't fit any DSM criteria.
I been going thru a somewhat similiar depression problem while in medical school. Read my recent post and responses on the allopathic forum and see if the responses can help, i found the responses helpful. The title of the post is (Severe Depression/Anxiety While in Medical School)
Agree it doesn't sound like bipolar. As correctly pointed out it looks like adjustment d/o, but if u r having significant changes in biological functions i.e. sleep/apetite/weight/libido/energy level u might be a candidate for MDD. IMHO, it's a good idea to talk to a psychiatrist. BTW, there is a lot of difference between psychotx(CBT/IPT) by a trained therapist and counselling, so always check before signing up for talk tx.