Business Major needing advice with Med-School

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10+ Year Member
May 23, 2011
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Hello forum here is my first post

So i graduated last year from a Cal State university with a degree in Business Management with a cGPA of 3.0 sGPA unknown since the last time i took any science classes was in Community college.

I am looking into medical school M.D or D.O would be fine and from what i have gathered my best bet would be some kind of post-bac program.

I just would like some feed back from you guys on my chances of getting into post-bac and medical school given that i A's post-bac.

Thanks in advance

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Hello forum here is my first post

So i graduated last year from a Cal State university with a degree in Business Management with a cGPA of 3.0 sGPA unknown since the last time i took any science classes was in Community college.

I am looking into medical school M.D or D.O would be fine and from what i have gathered my best bet would be some kind of post-bac program.

I just would like some feed back from you guys on my chances of getting into post-bac and medical school given that i A's post-bac.

Thanks in advance

How many pre-reqs do you need for med school? Getting all A's over the course of several semesters of post-bac work will boost your cGPA and should greatly increase your sGPA (assuming you have few science courses completed so far). The upward trend, combined with a good MCAT and some meaningful clinical and non-clinical EC's while you are taking courses should give you a shot. Do you know what your final GPA will be upon completion of all med school pre-reqs assuming you get all A's?
I am having a meeting with a local university's post-bac advisor tomorrow and we will have the GPA issues figured out, i will update when i have a better idea.

Would it be better if i just start over with my science classes and hopefully aim for all A's? Cause my understanding is that D.O schools will replace science grades.
I am having a meeting with a local university's post-bac advisor tomorrow and we will have the GPA issues figured out, i will update when i have a better idea.

Would it be better if i just start over with my science classes and hopefully aim for all A's? Cause my understanding is that D.O schools will replace science grades.

D.O. schools do replace grades, that is correct. However, as I understand it if you have your eye on a more exclusive specialty, as opposed to being a GP for example, D.O.'s are at a disadvantage when applying for residencies. If you want to keep your options open and you can manage the GPA and MCAT score necessary, try for M.D. schools as well as D.O.'s.