Chances of matching PM&R after applying for another specialty?

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5+ Year Member
Dec 10, 2017
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I didn’t match into dermatology but after shadowing a PM&R doctor I realized I’d be just as happy doing this and don’t want to go through the heartbreak of not matching again. However, I worry that my application will be looked over due to the amount of derm research I have (7 pubs with more on the way) and derm specific experiences. I have decent stats (step 1: 256 step 2: 249 level 1 629 level 2: 597) and will hopefully be able to get some LOR during my TY. Can anyone shed some light on my chances of matching PM&R with all this derm on my app as a potential red flag?

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I mean yeah it's going to be obvious that you were hoping to do derm and didn't match. But that doesn't mean a program will pass over a good applicant.

If framed in the correct way, you should get into a PM&R program.
Have your Derm mentor write an LOR that states you are no longer interested in derm, have changed your focus to PM&R, we are sad to lose them but expect they will make a fantastic PM&R doc.

And try to have at least 2 LOR's from PM&R - one from medical school (you already did something) and one from your TY if possible.