Clinical Skills...OSCE checklists?? Help!

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Jan 21, 2009
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Does anyone know where to find a generalized checklist for the patient history?

I have watched the bates videos and swartz videos for specific skills, and they are great. But I can't find any videos of an OSCE Patient History that isn't someone's personal video of their practice run, or of schools in England. How is everyone studying for the Patient history portion? Just reading Bates and thats it???

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Does anyone know where to find a generalized checklist for the patient history?

I have watched the bates videos and swartz videos for specific skills, and they are great. But I can't find any videos of an OSCE Patient History that isn't someone's personal video of their practice run, or of schools in England. How is everyone studying for the Patient history portion? Just reading Bates and thats it???
Here's an outline that I made when preparing for my patient history summative OSCE from first year:

1. Intro
Wash hands!!
Introduction (Hi, I'm A B, a first year medical student at C medical school. Today, I'm going to be asking you some questions to get an impression of your medical history. Are those your expectations for today's visit?)
Patient name

 Chief Concern/Complaint—What brings you in today?
 Can you tell me a little more about that?

3. History of the Present Illness (HPI)
 Characteristics (OPQRS)
■ Onset (date + time)
■ Preciptitating, Palliating, Place
■ Quality
■ Radiation
■ Severity
■ Temporal
 Does anything make it better or worse? Any prescription medication? Alternate treatments?
 PT perspective – tell me what you know and believe about your disease. How is it affecting your life?

4. Past medical history
 General health
 Date of last complete physical
 Other past illnesses, surgeries, trauma, etc.

5. Medications and allergies
 Dose? Frequency? When last taken? How often do you miss doses? If not taking regularly, WHY?
 How do you monitor your condition (e.g. BP for HTN, sugar for diabetes), and how often?
 Herbal or other remedies?
 Any trouble reading medication labels?
 Allergies? How do you know it's an allergy?

6. Family + social history
 Parents, siblings, spouse
 History of serious illness in family? E.g. cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, etc.
 How about you? General health, exercise, diet, education, sleep, lifestyle, alcohol / drug use, sexual history (sexually active, number of partners, gender of sig. other(s)), spiritual beliefs
 What troubles you most in life?

7. Health Literacy
 How comfortable are you with your ability to read, write, and understand documents?
 Primary or preferred language? Language spoken at home?

8. Game plan time
 Ask pt: Is there anything else that you want to discuss with me today?
 Summarize + make suggestions for a plan
 Check patient understanding!
And just to note, the best way to study for that part is just to practice, practice, practice. If you get any opportunity to shadow docs in the outpatient clinic setting, ask if you can take a history and try to present the patient to the doctor. Get used to the order of your questioning, even if the phrasing might change a little bit each time. Try to stick to a pattern for now. Might as well give it a shot now, when there's less pressure, b/c you're going to be doing lots of that in the future! :)
Thanks for the reply, I did something similar to your suggestions.....even though I did forget the health literacy part for the pt interview (not for the sexual history station though!). It's stressful in there, but I did great. Thanks for your advice.