Coronavirus and residency start dates

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New Member
Oct 8, 2018
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Hi guys
Obviously as we all know Coronavirus has sent the world into crisis.
Does anyone know what this could mean for residency start dates or the new pass cycle?

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It's still totally up in the air. The same questions are being asked by every resident in their last year of training as well. More likely than not, programs will make arrangements for students to graduate on time, and for the incoming class to start on time.
Our 2nd year residents will have no problem getting out on time. They may even just let them leave if they have everything done and they are comfortable leaving. But that’s only if things get really held up. And I’m not sure if CODA would even allow that. But this is unprecedented so who knows. Us 1st years will most likely lose either our 1 week summer break and/or 2 week Christmas break next year. If it goes on longer, we may be here longer in order to meet CODA requirements. If we are here longer then the residents coming in before we leave may get delayed a bit. Nothing has been decided yet though.