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7+ Year Member
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20+ Year Member
Apr 2, 2001
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Do you know if there is a break between 1st and 2nd years? Between years 2 and 3? The catalog lists MSII students have a summer didactic session. When do you become an MSII? Is the summer didactic right before your clinical years?


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I believe there is about a 2 month (possibly a little more) break between the first and second year. Many students either set up a long-term shadowing program with doctors (much like a clerkship) around the KC area, move back home and chill by the pool, or get a job as a bartender or waitress down at the Plaza (where you can make some real dough in med school)- so I've heard. I'm not sure how long of a break there is between years 2 and 3, but I know you go right into your clinical rotations pretty quickly. Hope this helps and I'll wait to meet you up there! Later.

-Nathan (UHS-COM '05)
Nathan is right. We do have a break between MSI and MSII. There is an optional summer clerkship that you set up on your own and receive some kind of credit for. The DO/MBA students do not have a break (maybe a few weeks), they take a summer MBA session.

I don't know how the new curriculum will affect next year's schedule, but currently we only get about a month off between 2nd and 3rd year. Classes finish in mid May, then we get 3 weeks to study for boards, then summer session starts and continues until the end of July. August is free and clear, and 3rd year starts September 1st.