DAT and MCAT materials for sale

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shoombol tallah

Big Boy
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Sep 4, 2006
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Ok guys i just got done with my DAT and I used a bunch of DAT and MCAT books that are now useless to me so let me know if your interested.

-DAT Destroyer March 2008 edition
-Barrons Work Book for the new SAT
-My kaplan subject tests for Bio, Gchem, Ochem, QR, PA, and Reading Comprehension.

-Examkrackers 101 passages in Verbal Reasoning
-Examkrackers 1001 Ochem questions
-Examkrackers 1001 Gchem questions

Stuff applicable for both tests:

-Columbia Review High yield Biology (awesome book, amazon is selling it used for 75 dollars right now but im willing to sell it cheaper).

-Cliffs AP biology
-Orgoman Ochem odyssey (great book for easy all the way up advanced ochem concepts. over 20 chapters)
- Schaums Biology book

Im willing to throw in my extensive notecards and notes for those looking for DAT material .:D

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common people its good stuff and i'll give you a really good prices :)
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I am interested in some of your DAT materials. I do not know how to PM yet b/c I'm new to this SDN.

I am interested in your DAT destroyer and cliff's Ap bioloy. How much will that be? What conditions are they? I need them for my DAT study. Please email me. Thanks very much.