Do schools see all MCAT scores? Even expired?

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10+ Year Member
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
So I had previously taken the old MCAT when it was being phased out.

I also wrote the new one around last year, because schools don't want a score older than 3 years.

I noticed that AMCAS lists all your MCAT scores no matter how old they were

Does this mean that schools just see them anyways?

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Yeah, now I realized why people say you only want to take the MCAT once.

My old format score was in the 30s, but I wrote the new MCAT because I wanted to be able to apply to more schools
Your MCAT score doesn’t ever expire as far as AMCAS is concerned.

Each individual school itself decides whether or not your score is too old to be in valid consideration for its own committee. If you remain pre-med long enough you will reach a point where no school will consider it (I’m not aware of any school that considers MCAT score regardless of date taken) but AMCAS will still report it.