Dual Applied to FM and IM at same hospital and withdrew one. Have I totally screwed up my chances?

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May 3, 2018
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I am dual applying this cycle for FM and IM. FM is my first choice but applied to IM as a backup as well. I mistakenly thought that you could dual apply to 2 specialties at the same hospital and just heard today that this is not smart at all so I withdrew my IM applications from those hospitals (on the date that programs can start looking at your applications but before the exact time (am) that programs can see your apps). Have I completely screwed up my chances at matching FM at these places? Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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You're panicking about nothing. Although it's probably best avoided to apply to both over concerns that the two programs might talk to each other, we're all so busy with 100's if not 1000's of applications that we hardly have time. I doubt anyone will notice this. Or care.
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It depends. If it's a small community program, usually the GME and Program Coordinators are integrated. If it's a larger academic hospital, you should be ok. You can explain it as though it is because you have a strong interest in primary care and that particular institution is where you really want to be, or something like that.
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