For all the average, non-genius high scorers out there. How did you do it?

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This post isin't meant for the high IQ's, but rather the average joes who grinded their way into A's and top test scores. I'd love to know how you did it and any advice you'd give to yourself/students about to start mcat/med school studying. Thanks!

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There is no secret recipe. Put the time in. Hard work beats talent.
Yes, but I definitely had some classmates that were both. Don’t expect to get a 270 without some talent
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Yes, but I definitely had some classmates that were both. Don’t expect to get a 270 without some talent
This 100%. Hard work will get you only so far. Add hard work to tallent and you are a beast.

If you have average talent, all the hard work in world will not yield a 270 S2.
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