Getting University Counseling Center jobs with MA level licensure

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Jan 16, 2022
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I am wondering if anyone knows of a good path to take in order to get a job at a university counseling center as an MA level clinician. Very few jobs I have seen allow for anyone pre-licensed, yet they all want university counseling center experience...

I see a pre-licensure job/program at Costa Mesa community college district in CA, and a job or two in some rural areas of upper midwest states that will take someone on pre-licensure, but I'm hoping I'm just missing something here because the experience requirements all want that experience to be paid work so my practicum time doesn't count 🙁

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A coworker of mine did his MSW fieldwork in the counseling center at his school and then got hired after graduation. And I’ve seen job listings for masters level licensed staff at local/small colleges and universities that offer bachelors and masters programs only. Not sure if I’ve seen one for non-licensed yet. I’m in MA.
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A coworker of mine did his MSW fieldwork in the counseling center at his school and then got hired after graduation. And I’ve seen job listings for masters level licensed staff at local/small colleges and universities that offer bachelors and masters programs only. Not sure if I’ve seen one for non-licensed yet. I’m in MA.
I should have noted I wasn't talking about MSW's, which are treated differently from what I have seen. At my local University that is in the Pac 10 I was told flat out that MFT's/LPC's are "hated" and that without at least an MSW I would never get a job there.

I will be an LPC, but pre-licensure I have no idea how to get hours unless I am lucky enough to get picked up by the Costa Mesa Community College district or move to Northern Wiscosin.
I should have noted I wasn't talking about MSW's, which are treated differently from what I have seen. At my local University that is in the Pac 10 I was told flat out that MFT's/LPC's are "hated" and that without at least an MSW I would never get a job there.

I will be an LPC, but pre-licensure I have no idea how to get hours unless I am lucky enough to get picked up by the Costa Mesa Community College district or move to Northern Wiscosin.

You'd only be so lucky: Ice fishing is a blast.
Honestly? Start with community college or technical schools. Much easier to break in. Once you get a few years under your belt then you can pivot. The 4-year colleges do have a bias towards PhDs or L(I)CSWs (it used to be there was even a bias towards Counseling vs. Clinical Psych grads, but that gap has closed now).
I am wondering if anyone knows of a good path to take in order to get a job at a university counseling center as an MA level clinician. Very few jobs I have seen allow for anyone pre-licensed, yet they all want university counseling center experience...
One thing that will likely be relevant is where you want to work.

If it's an area with huge surpluses of therapists/psychologists and the institution is seen as a great place for work, not having experience or the 'right' credential would probably be a major barrier.

But I know multiple MA/MS folks who found jobs at UCCs without prior UCC experience. Areas with shortages of therapists would probably give you a better shot if you can't get UCC experience during the pre-licensure phase. Good luck!
One thing that will likely be relevant is where you want to work.
Ooh, yes I agree with this geographically too. When I was in Boston, good luck EVER getting a spot in a UCC without an LICSW or PhD/PsyD. Down here in Texas, it is MUCH more common for masters level clinicians to be working UCC.