Gyn Oncology Away rotation as a resident

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Dec 28, 2015
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Was wondering if anyone has advice on how to do well at a gyn onc away as a rotating resident? What are the expectations? I am talking about the programs such as MSK, MD Anderson, cleveland clinic etc. Thanks in advance.

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Not a gyn onc, but we often have residents rotate with us for FPMRS and we’ve matched two of them to our fellowship based solely on their performance so maybe some of this will translate. You will probably be working with other residents From the place where you are rotating so it’s important to understand that you’re the “guest” those residents may be preferentially given cases over you and you should be gracious about it, ask how to put in orders, round on patients, attend conference, basically make it seem like you’ve seamlessly become one of their own residents. This will ingratiate you with both the fellows and chiefs and you will paradoxically get more cases and responsibility. Try to find a research project to work on with one of the fellows and say you’d be willing to work on it after the rotation is over. Show up early and leave late. You need to demonstrate competence in OR, something like 70-80% of fpmrs and onc PDs don’t think first year fellows can competently complete a hysterectomy, so if you can confidently put a Haney on the IP and do a double ligature they will notice that. Note that in this case doing fewer cases works in your favor, because the fewer you do the less chances you have to mess up. Know all the basic treatment algorithms for different cancers and for sure know your anatomy, especially for rad hysts
Are programs even accepting applications this year for away rotations, thanks to COVID?
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Bumping this thread (I realize it's old). Has anyone here done an away in Gyn Onc at MD Anderson or Sloan Kettering? Looking for some advice...