Harvard's decision

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Jan 20, 2005
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It's official... I got my Harvard rejection letter today in the mail. anyone else?

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KAP said:
It's official... I got my Harvard rejection letter today in the mail. anyone else?

I'm sure the fact that you got into one of the most kick-a$$ D-Schools on the planet helped soften that blow!
KAP said:
It's official... I got my Harvard rejection letter today in the mail. anyone else?

Did you have have an interview there?
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PDizzle said:
I'm sure the fact that you got into one of the most kick-a$$ D-Schools on the planet helped soften that blow!

i second that!
KAP said:
It's official... I got my Harvard rejection letter today in the mail. anyone else?

I'm still waiting for mine.

I'm still waiting for my rejection. I mean, it's been almost 3 months since I interviewed, sheesh. They told us that we would know as early as 3 weeks. I guess it didn't help that my interviewers didn't show up to adcom meetings until sometime in Feb...at least I think they must have shown up by now.

On another note, my buddy just got into Harvard for his PhD :thumbup:
KAP said:
It's official... I got my Harvard rejection letter today in the mail. anyone else?
You were rejected by Harvard! Hang your head in shame............... :laugh:
Audio said:
I'm still waiting for my rejection. I mean, it's been almost 3 months since I interviewed, sheesh. They told us that we would know as early as 3 weeks. I guess it didn't help that my interviewers didn't show up to adcom meetings until sometime in Feb...at least I think they must have shown up by now.

On another note, my buddy just got into Harvard for his PhD :thumbup:

hey audio, did you ever go to that Tufts interview? If so, how'd it go and did you like the school?
DUBS said:
hey audio, did you ever go to that Tufts interview? If so, how'd it go and did you like the school?


actually I didn't go. I wish I had gone though but the deadline to respond came so fast that it just kinda blew by. Great school though from everything I know about it.
yeah, those harvard bastards didn't even offer me a pity interview lol