Has any customer caused you to quit or want to quit your retail job?

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Apr 9, 2003
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Today I got chewed out pretty bad got watery eyes for 2 seconds at the freezing drive-up window. All I did was filling this guy's 2 prescriptions she dropped off, plus 4 others just faxed in from the hospital. I entered the 4 new rx myself to speed up the process. I filled all 6 scripts in 15 minutes. He went off saying we should have told him if it was going to take 3 hours because he works in the same business we do and we should have told him, he was cold out there in the car, etc... and I did nothing wrong, what the heck! :mad:

Well, I got another customer didn't want to wait for me to check voice mail at the busiest time of the day, we got 5 people waiting in line. I checked the voice mail asap but she decided to leave without telling us. Later I got a call from nurse saying she said we were rude, told the nurse to cancel the rx & call it somewhere else and she will not come to our store again. what the heck! :mad:

I guess many things could have gone a lot worse in my 9-hour shift on an empty stomach. It was one of those days that makes me want to try hospital, what do you think? :luck:

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You cant let grumpy customers get to you. They're sick and cold etc etc and you're doing the best that you can.

Give out realistic wait times, and go at your pace so that you know you are dispensing the correct med for the correct pt.
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Today I got chewed out pretty bad got watery eyes for 2 seconds at the freezing drive-up window. All I did was filling this guy's 2 prescriptions she dropped off, plus 4 others just faxed in from the hospital. I entered the 4 new rx myself to speed up the process. I filled all 6 scripts in 15 minutes. He went off saying we should have told him if it was going to take 3 hours because he works in the same business we do and we should have told him, he was cold out there in the car, etc... and I did nothing wrong, what the heck! :mad:

Well, I got another customer didn't want to wait for me to check voice mail at the busiest time of the day, we got 5 people waiting in line. I checked the voice mail asap but she decided to leave without telling us. Later I got a call from nurse saying she said we were rude, told the nurse to cancel the rx & call it somewhere else and she will not come to our store again. what the heck! :mad:

I guess many things could have gone a lot worse in my 9-hour shift on an empty stomach. It was one of those days that makes me want to try hospital, what do you think? :luck:

I worked for Osco for 2 years and Caremark for another. After those two horrific experiences in Retail and Mail Order, I vowed never to do them agagin. I currently work for a specialty retail pharmacy. You might want to look into it. Patient interaction is meaningful because all the patients are suffering from chronic diseases, so they actually want your input and counseling. Rarely you do get the A-hole patients, but they are few and far between. When I graduate in 2012, I intend to stay with my company unless I get accepted into a residency program. But traditional community retail is a joke. Gift Cards, rude patients, District Managers breathing down your neck, ringing up groceries at the pharmacy counter, UGHHH!! Never again! Get out if you can!!
lol if I had difficult customer who REALLY pisses me off, I make them wait even longer 30 mins+++ and make it obvious you are working as slow as you can, then just chuckle a little when they complain.. to make sure they never come back >_>
lol if I had difficult customer who REALLY pisses me off, I make them wait even longer 30 mins+++ and make it obvious you are working as slow as you can, then just chuckle a little when they complain.. to make sure they never come back >_>

Or you could make them wait for 45 minutes and then tell them opps I just got to your prescription....sorry we are completly out of stock. Try the CVS next door...bye bye have a nice day.

Since you have no way of knowing the funniest part about this is the CVS next door usually has a 2 hour wait.
When we're busy, I just tell everybody to wait 2 hours even if it is a ****ing ZPAK. Unless the pharmacist tells me otherwise that we can do it faster, I will post up long wait times, I don't give a **** what corporate thinks about this.
When we're busy, I just tell everybody to wait 2 hours even if it is a ****ing ZPAK. Unless the pharmacist tells me otherwise that we can do it faster, I will post up long wait times, I don't give a **** what corporate thinks about this.

I hear ya! I could care less how long people have to wait. I am not going to get stressed out or worked up over it. Everytime corporate cuts our hours I just increase the wait time. I work at the same pace no matter what. I am not going to make a mistake because the idiots in the corporate office do not give me enough hours.
I hear ya! I could care less how long people have to wait. I am not going to get stressed out or worked up over it. Everytime corporate cuts our hours I just increase the wait time. I work at the same pace no matter what. I am not going to make a mistake because the idiots in the corporate office do not give me enough hours.

I mean, I will expedite when I can actually see and tell that someone is in pain but other than that, they will have to wait.

Sometimes, I tell people 15 minutes and they go "That long???". 15 minutes is FAST for a pharmacy.
Today I got chewed out pretty bad got watery eyes for 2 seconds at the freezing drive-up window. All I did was filling this guy's 2 prescriptions she dropped off, plus 4 others just faxed in from the hospital. I entered the 4 new rx myself to speed up the process. I filled all 6 scripts in 15 minutes. He went off saying we should have told him if it was going to take 3 hours because he works in the same business we do and we should have told him, he was cold out there in the car, etc... and I did nothing wrong, what the heck! :mad:

Well, I got another customer didn't want to wait for me to check voice mail at the busiest time of the day, we got 5 people waiting in line. I checked the voice mail asap but she decided to leave without telling us. Later I got a call from nurse saying she said we were rude, told the nurse to cancel the rx & call it somewhere else and she will not come to our store again. what the heck! :mad:

I guess many things could have gone a lot worse in my 9-hour shift on an empty stomach. It was one of those days that makes me want to try hospital, what do you think? :luck:

There are 2 ways to deal with adversity.

1. Run from it.
2. Learn to deal with it and make it a part of your personal growth.

Your decision.
Independent retail all the way! That's why I love working independent. Almost all of our customers are friends of ours and I have only had 1 irrate patient over the last 4 years. I think I could deal with it okay though and I wouldn't let it get to me. You know you didn't do anything wrong so don't worry about it.
I mean, I will expedite when I can actually see and tell that someone is in pain but other than that, they will have to wait.

Sometimes, I tell people 15 minutes and they go "That long???". 15 minutes is FAST for a pharmacy.

You know that is the funniest thing. We have told people it would be a hour and they say okay and walk away. You tell someone ten minutes and they throw a fit.
Independent retail all the way! That's why I love working independent. Almost all of our customers are friends of ours and I have only had 1 irrate patient over the last 4 years. I think I could deal with it okay though and I wouldn't let it get to me. You know you didn't do anything wrong so don't worry about it.
My old boss at an independent took a drug seeker to the front of the store and said, "get the **** out and never look back you scumbag."

Probably the best pharmacy moment I've seen.

You know that is the funniest thing. We have told people it would be a hour and they say okay and walk away. You tell someone ten minutes and they throw a fit.
Some people are ****ing dickheads, that's life. I have never complained about a wait time at a pharmacy, even if I know I could hop over the counter, type the Rx, throw a label on it and walk out in under 2 minutes. It is kind of annoying not being able to walk behind the counter anymore but oh well. And no one at my local CVS knows I'm a former employee, tee hee.
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Nowadays our customers are starting to get used to our 2-hour wait times. They grumble a little, but then they deal with it. If they don't like it, we tell them to go to the other Rite Aid 2 blocks away, which is usually less busy.

Yeah I've gotten yelled at, but usually after they leave I just take a 15-second pause to chill out a bit and then get back to work.
Just let it go. The anger directed at you probably has nothing to do with you. You'll need to develop a thicker skin if you want to survive.

My favorite saying is: "You can get it fast, or it can be accurate...your choice."

If they're not happy, they can go somewhere else.
and every day Im happier and happier I got out of retail before I become a pharmacist and am chained to it.
I mean, I will expedite when I can actually see and tell that someone is in pain but other than that, they will have to wait.

Sometimes, I tell people 15 minutes and they go "That long???". 15 minutes is FAST for a pharmacy.

I always like to use that type of reaction for my own little information moment:
Customer: "How long will that take?"
Me: about 20 minutes right now
Customer: "That long?" with incredulous look on their face
Me: "Well, we're always very busy on Monday (right at dinnertime, the first couple of weeks of January because of insurance, etc.)
I find if you're candid about it they will usually chill out. 9 times out of 10 my interactions go like this (theres always that 1...)

Me: "OK, give me about 15 mins"
Customer: "15 minutes?? that long??"
Me: "OK, 20 minutes"
Customer: "huh?"
Me: "25 minutes"
Customer: "...OK ill be back in 15 minutes"
it'll be okay. it doesn't get better, you just get used to it I guess. people suck!! :thumbdown:

keep your chin up!! :) people would complain if their ice cream was cold!
i've become immune to those situations. Deep down inside i may want to lean over and smack them a few times but what good would that do...and opening my mouth and giving it back...ehhh that just fuels the fire. i just give them realistic wait times (usually 10-15 minutes when we're not busy, and when were r really busy, like 20-30 minutes). I guess since ive been at my store for almost 3 years and have had the same staff for just as long, people like us and dont mind coming back. I may have 1 or 2 disgruntled people weekly, nothing horrible (2 people out of 2700 rx weekly is not bad!) Just hang in there!
I was not able to grow thick skin and I got out of chain pharmacy! It was just too much for me. I took a lot of things personally that I shouldn't have....because I guess I will just never understand why people can treat other people like CRAP and think nothing of it. Honestly, I rather not get used to that kind of treatment and I left for a different environment that suits me much better.
All you 15-minute pharmacies should seriously send your patients to the pharmacy where I work, they'll love the 15-minute wait. Here half an hour is a great wait time, and 2 hours is possible (and sometimes we haven't been able to even meet that wait time).

Of course if someone is in extreme pain or whatnot, we fill it on them in about 15-20 minutes.

That's what they get for going to a pharmacy in center city that is right by a hospital.
I think that's all in your attitude. Mean people sense when someone isn't goign to put up with them, and play nicely. At least, that worked for me. In almost seven years of retail (granted, it was part-time for vitually all of those seven years), I have had maybe four-five times when someone got on my nerves, and at least one of those was because the customer was a ***** and just wasn't getting what I was telling them, not because they were rude/trying to bully me.

I even trained some known meanies (made at least one of my co-workers cry on at least one occasion) to at least squeeze a please or a hello out of themselves... in fact, I was amazed when this Saturday a guy who always stirs up trouble said thank you to me when I was done with him, and it was just a regular retail encounter, not like I went out of the way for him or something like that. :)
Oh the stories...

I was picking up a shift at a store in the ghetto lol and long story short, narc patient wants to wait in the drive-thru after he came in and was told a 45 minute wait. We refused and told him to come inside or return later. Two sledge hammers later, our drive-thru window was completely obliterated, though it was still intact, and he was carted off to jail.

Theres only one time ive ever been bothered by a belligerent customer and it was more my district manager than the customer. Got in a typical squall over paying full price for a drug since the customer didn't want to wait for a PA and the customer litterally told me how worthless i was, where i could go, etc.. I never raised my voice, and really never spoke as my Pharmacist attested to. Finally, the customer left only to get a call from my dm later that evening demanding I write a letter of appology and teling me i was getting written up. I told her where a no thanks on the letter and and told her thanks for caring for the employees so much to write them up.
never let them win!!!!!!


feed off of it......the more they hate, they stronger u become......hahahaha

trust me though.......u will never win

one tech told a customer an hour.......he got pissed and grabbed a seat......i actually finished it in about 30 mins.......tell him he's good to go........he yells again saying that the tech told him one hour.........seriously, what a *******

hour is the norm at our store.......they ask us if there is any way to "expediate" the process.......i say "NOPE!" from my computer and then i get a cold stare down.......hahahahahaha.......once again, food for my appetite

u will not please everyone........its just not possible..........every time i pull a "favor", i end up regretting it because the person is a D!CK........so i tell my techs "no more favors today".........it takes one bad apple to ruin the bunch in retail
Today I got chewed out pretty bad got watery eyes for 2 seconds at the freezing drive-up window. All I did was filling this guy's 2 prescriptions she dropped off, plus 4 others just faxed in from the hospital. I entered the 4 new rx myself to speed up the process. I filled all 6 scripts in 15 minutes. He went off saying we should have told him if it was going to take 3 hours because he works in the same business we do and we should have told him, he was cold out there in the car, etc... and I did nothing wrong, what the heck! :mad:

Well, I got another customer didn't want to wait for me to check voice mail at the busiest time of the day, we got 5 people waiting in line. I checked the voice mail asap but she decided to leave without telling us. Later I got a call from nurse saying she said we were rude, told the nurse to cancel the rx & call it somewhere else and she will not come to our store again. what the heck! :mad:

I guess many things could have gone a lot worse in my 9-hour shift on an empty stomach. It was one of those days that makes me want to try hospital, what do you think? :luck:

sorry to say, but you are spoiled.
Don't sweat it!

I always asked if they wanted to pick up later or wait x amount of minutes. Most opted for later so it worked out well. Luckily I never had issues with customers in the short time I worked retail.
sorry to say, but you are spoiled.

Yeah that's really not that bad, I work in an incredibly busy pharmacy and get yelled at on a daily basis. Don't take them seriously, just realize it's not personal and people only stay mad for a few minutes.

What works for me is that I treat everyone like children, they don't know what the actual work entails and all the constant BS you have to put up with. It's always the same lines when you give a longer wait:

"That long?"

"It's just a liquid."

"Isn't it just cream?"

"Just give me two pills"

"But it's never been that long"

"My baby is in the car" (Righhhhhht)

"I really need this antibiotic"



Eye roll.


People just don't know any better, put that into perspective.

good luck
If you quit retail, isn't hospital pharmacy not much different in term of stress and workload? Replace customers with nurses.

Burnout and turnover rates are so high in retail, yet that's where the money and market demand are (most students end up going into). We keep hearing we have a lot of options. Is there a post that lists all the pharmacy areas - long term care, prison, industry, nuclear -that a pharmacist can get into? Preferably, it lists the requirement for entry (residency required?) and the pros and cons of them? It seems like the ones who really love their jobs are fortunate enough to obtain them by networking or post-grad training. But they are the minority in the pharmacy profession.
I just want to slap people who question long wait times when we are obviously busy. It's like, "Look around. It took you 20 minutes to get to the front of the line and there are 10 people behind you. Both drive up lanes are 4-5 cars deep. Our phone is ringing off the hook. The techs are running around trying to fill or attend to you. Does it look like I threw a 1 or 2 hour wait time just for the hell of it?"

Another thing they don't understand is the staff cutbacks. There are times I badly want to tell them the reason the wait is so long is because our staff is being cut. I stop myself though because I always picture some DM coming to talk to me about that. :laugh:
A lot of customers think they are gonna drop dead if they don't get their medications. Jeez, if you were in that bad of a condition where you needed the medication ASAP, the physician wouldn't have let you go home, you'd be strapped into a bed with an IV.
Just happened last night at drive thru -

Lady drops off her empty bottle, saying she wants a refill.

Me: "Ok, just give me about 30 minutes and we will have it ready for you"


Me: "Okay, I understand that. But I have to keep the drive thru lane open. If you want, you can wait inside and it will be about 15 to 20 minutes."


Me: Yes, but there are also people waiting behind you.


Me: .......uh. Okay.

And after I rushed to fill her med. I gave them to her and said, "Thank you. Have a good day." She just grabbed them and drove off.

Whatever. I figured it wasn't worth my time arguing with her. Every day, I am reminded how narcisstic people can be. They don't care about anyone else but themself.
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Just happened last night at drive thru -

Lady drops off her empty bottle, saying she wants a refill.

Me: "Ok, just give up about 30 minutes and we will have it ready for you"


Me: "Okay, I understand that. But I have to keep the drive thru lane open. If you want, you can wait inside and it will be about 15 to 20 minutes."


Me: Yes, but there are also people waiting behind you.


Me: .......uh. Okay.

And after I rushed to fill her med. I gave them to her and said, "Thank you. Have a good day." She just grabbed them and drove off.

Whatever. I figured it wasn't worth my time arguing with her. Every day, I am reminded how narcisstic people can be. They don't care about anyone else about themself.

Why would you work there? Seriously.

You sound like a drive-thru coordinator (albeit unsuccessful).
It's not that bad. I just don't let them get to me anymore.
It's not that bad. I just don't let them get to me anymore.

It's not you that's the problem, it's the job.

You shouldn't have to say "it's not that bad, I just don't let them get to me anymore" about a career.

People have worked way too hard throughout uni/pharm school to settle for that.
Just happened last night at drive thru -

Lady drops off her empty bottle, saying she wants a refill.

Me: "Ok, just give me about 30 minutes and we will have it ready for you"


Me: "Okay, I understand that. But I have to keep the drive thru lane open. If you want, you can wait inside and it will be about 15 to 20 minutes."


Me: Yes, but there are also people waiting behind you.


Me: .......uh. Okay.

And after I rushed to fill her med. I gave them to her and said, "Thank you. Have a good day." She just grabbed them and drove off.

Whatever. I figured it wasn't worth my time arguing with her. Every day, I am reminded how narcisstic people can be. They don't care about anyone else but themself.

Why did you give in?! The fun part is when people like this come by and they cause a scene (yelling in the drive through with people behind them honking). Over here we have the ok to call the cops if people don't move out of the drive through. These people don't appreciate what you do for them so why go the extra mile? I'd rather be nice and speed things up for people who are appreciative and nice about it. Not to mention she's already a complainer. If you miss something or make a mistake be prepared to get chewed out BAD.
My favorite is:

"I CAN'T wait 20 minutes! I'm going on vacation!"
"When are you leaving?"
"Right now!"

Um...and you JUST NOW decided to fill your medications?? Either you're lying or you're stupid. People always use the "I'm leaving town" or "I live 2 hours away" excuse for getting their meds early or fast.
Why did you give in?! The fun part is when people like this come by and they cause a scene (yelling in the drive through with people behind them honking). Over here we have the ok to call the cops if people don't move out of the drive through. These people don't appreciate what you do for them so why go the extra mile? I'd rather be nice and speed things up for people who are appreciative and nice about it. Not to mention she's already a complainer. If you miss something or make a mistake be prepared to get chewed out BAD.

Good point. To the original OP: Personally, I would just repeat that it will be ready at "x" time and tell them that they cannot wait at the drive thru, period. If they continue bitching, ask them (nicely) if they want their prescription back so they can go somewhere else and get it filled "faster".

No one should cater to this kind of behavior (as exhibited by the drive-thru idiot) whatsoever.
I still don't understand why people would risk getting the incorrect medication by rushing the pharmacists, just to save 10-15 minutes. Not only is that dangerous but also just stupid.
When I started at the methadone clinic I used to get, "I have a CAB waiting!"

So I'd tell them, send him away. I'm not rushing for your cab. In fact, if you try and rush me I will go slower and slower (I'd start moving in slow mo) and maybe even stop.

The other customers would laugh. But basically, I trained our regulars to not even think of using the cab line on me. My husband was talking of making a sign that says, "Tell me about your cab. I dare ya!" and hanging it over the pharmacy.

DO NOT RUSH. If you make a mistake, it's on your head.
I still don't understand why people would risk getting the incorrect medication by rushing the pharmacists, just to save 10-15 minutes. Not only is that dangerous but also just stupid.

Because how much risk could there be to just put some pills in a bottle and put a label on it?? ;D
I think that's all in your attitude. Mean people sense when someone isn't goign to put up with them, and play nicely. At least, that worked for me. In almost seven years of retail (granted, it was part-time for vitually all of those seven years), I have had maybe four-five times when someone got on my nerves, and at least one of those was because the customer was a ***** and just wasn't getting what I was telling them, not because they were rude/trying to bully me.

Agreed; you firmly tell them the wait time and that's it. If they complain, you don't even really need to say "sorry" for a 20 minute wait time! When I worked retail we'd just say, "Yes, there are other waiters ahead of you." End of discussion. I guess if no one's at the counter people tend to think you must not be busy. We used to line up waiter baskets on the counter so we could point and show how "long" the line really was. I found that people were never upset if you told them 30 minutes and it was ready after 20... but they get SUPER ticked if you said 20 minutes and it wasn't ready at 20.

One lady complained that all we needed to do was put the pills in the bottle.. so my co-worker handed her the script back and said, "Really? So what do those instructions say?"

I actually found that my.. slower.. co-workers had more luck with the patients. I always tried to explain things to patients.. your copay is controlled by your insurance company, they have different levels and every plan is different, it's the beginning of the year and things change, etc... They'd just fight me. My co-worker would be like, "I don't know why your copay went up" and then just kinda stare with a vacant look on their face. Patients would look kind of confused and then walk away quietly!

My favorite day ever was January 1st the year Medicare Part D went live. Five hour wait times! The look on peoples' faces was priceless.

@xml2 - Pretty much switching from retail to hospital you are just replacing customers with doctors/nurses. Nurses still ask stupid questions and can't find their meds when it's where it was the last ten times they needed it, doctors will write a billion "pharmacy to dose" orders in the first 30 minutes of your shift, etc. I have some pretty crazy days - someone IS actually dying while you make that levophed IV - but I still feel that my worst hospital day is light years better than my best retail day.
@xml2 - Pretty much switching from retail to hospital you are just replacing customers with doctors/nurses. Nurses still ask stupid questions and can't find their meds when it's where it was the last ten times they needed it, doctors will write a billion "pharmacy to dose" orders in the first 30 minutes of your shift, etc. I have some pretty crazy days - someone IS actually dying while you make that levophed IV - but I still feel that my worst hospital day is light years better than my best retail day.

Are you a student? Or is your avatar incorrect?
Are you a student? Or is your avatar incorrect?

I'll start pharmacy school this fall; I've worked as a hospital technician for the last three years and did retail before that. Did I step on some toes? Since I'm not stressed about getting into pharm school any more I've found less interesting reads on the Pre-Pharm board and enjoy reading this board more.
When I started at the methadone clinic I used to get, "I have a CAB waiting!"

So I'd tell them, send him away. I'm not rushing for your cab. In fact, if you try and rush me I will go slower and slower (I'd start moving in slow mo) and maybe even stop.

The other customers would laugh. But basically, I trained our regulars to not even think of using the cab line on me. My husband was talking of making a sign that says, "Tell me about your cab. I dare ya!" and hanging it over the pharmacy.

DO NOT RUSH. If you make a mistake, it's on your head.

That is one of my top favorite reasons patients give me to rush them ahead. We have this annoying old lady that comes to the pharmacy and has a coronary because she HAS A CAB WAITING!!!!! 30 minutes later you look out in the store and she is still walking around shopping.

Here is a list of my favs.

1. I can't wait!!!! I have ice cream in my cart that will melt!
2. I have a cab waiting!
3. He/she is out in the car. We just left the hospital.
4. I can't wait I am sick!
Oh boy....This happened between 9AM to 5PM on a Saturday morning of 2007

Cranky old man (COM) approaching the counter....here it goes:

Me: Hi...how can i help you?
COM: Pick up for Anderson, J!
Me (looking up into computer....nothing is there): You don't have any pick up, sir. Is it a new Rx or refilled?
COM *rolling eyes*: Both! Two meds from my doctor and one pain med for my refill.
Me *turning over and asking my co-worker*: We don't have any voicemail or faxes from your doctor office. Are you sure they call to this store sir?
COM *getting mad* : Yes, i was at the doc office. Give me my f*** pills.
Me*speechless* : Can you call the doctor and ask them to fax again?
COM: No, f** that. You call him, here's the number. CALL NOW!

2 mins later...something coming out from the fax machine. Yeah. Now we got the fax. Medications: Avelox 400mg daily x10 days, Lipitor 80mg daily
Copay for the Avelox is 50 bucks, and Lipitor cannot be filled since pt was actually on Vytorin 10/40 (drug interaction---duplicate therapy). So i told him that i would have called MD to clarify with the drug interaction since it could potentiate rhabdomyolysis.

COM: "You give me my pill now! you are no doctor . who the **** gives u the right to decide what i take? And you better fix the copay 'cuz i ain't pay 50 for 10 pills. This pharmacy is a fu cking mess. i wanna talk to ur manager now!"

That was it. I could not take it anymore. My tolerance was off-limited. I was just an intern...i turned to him...pointed the middle finger up and said, "Fu ck you, old white trash. Go somewhere else and u better not fu ck around here or I'll fu ck ur face up". My in charge pharmacist was like in shocked when those words came from my mouth. Seriously, if my pharmacist did not cool me down, i probably went out there and threw him a punch already.

Well after that day...I quit. No more retail for me. That was my story, guys.
The end.