Health and Disabilities Leadership Institute - AMSA

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15+ Year Member
Apr 6, 2007
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As the newly elected American Medical Student Association's national coordinator for Disabilities, one of my priorities for the following year is to set up the first "Health and Disabilities Leadership Institute"
(please ignore the date and contact information on the site since the program has been postponed, and contact information has yet to be updated)

I figured I would post up on here to see if there is any interest.

this would be a 3 day conference for Medical students. Although we may also open it up to other health care professional and undergraduate students.

some of the goals for this institute are to:

- improve competency in health care professional students on disabiilty awareness (people first language, prevention, comorbidities)

- encourage advocacy

- leadership training

- promote PM&R

You can find out more at:

Center for disabilities in the Health Professions

American Association on Health and Disabilities

if you are interested

1) check out the websites
2) join AMSA (you have to be a member to participate in the institute)
3) email me in the following format:

Pleae put in the subject line: "SDN HADLI"

last name, First name
email address
phone number
school, year status (premed, nursing, etc)


please do not expect an immediate reply. I will be compiling a listserv to email out to when more programming details come in. if you do not put SDN HADI in the subject line, I cannot guarantee that you will be placed on the listserv.

Also, if anyone has suggestions, comments, or would like to volunteer as a speaker please contact me as well.

Thank you.

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