High AA but very low PAT score. What should I do?

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May 22, 2018
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Hi everyone. I need advice on what schools I should apply to and which ones care strongly about PAT scores.

Overall GPA: 3.75
Science GPA: 3.8

DAT: 25AA, 24TS, 17PAT :(

I am so happy about my DAT score besides the PAT section, I ran out of time and I was completely overwhelmed. I really don’t want to retake.

Are there any schools that would be a complete waste of time applying to due to my low PAT? Should I explain my low score on the application? Thank you.

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Toughy, you will absolutely get in, and chances at Ivy's and UCLA/UCSF are still very strong. Might get rejected at one or two/a few of those. But I think you are good. Good luck!
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Hi everyone. I need advice on what schools I should apply to and which ones care strongly about PAT scores.

Overall GPA: 3.75
Science GPA: 3.8

DAT: 25AA, 24TS, 17PAT :(

I am so happy about my DAT score besides the PAT section, I ran out of time and I was completely overwhelmed. I really don’t want to retake.

Are there any schools that would be a complete waste of time applying to due to my low PAT? Should I explain my low score on the application? Thank you.
You are fine and Congratulations on that 25AA and 24TS and GPA, the vast majority of schools will be just fine with that 17 in PAT.

Wishing you the best..Nancy