How many medical schools should I apply to at this point?

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Mar 17, 2018
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I submitted my AMCAS primary on 7/24. I only sent it to one school (my state school). I would like to apply to more MD schools, but I don't know how many would be worth it since it's already August. I have a 3.8 GPA, 512 MCAT, and adequate extracurriculars. Which med schools do I have a shot at?

In addition, I've already submitted my application to osteopathic med schools and received secondaries for them.

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I submitted my AMCAS primary on 7/24. I only sent it to one school (my state school). I would like to apply to more MD schools, but I don't know how many would be worth it since it's already August. I have a 3.8 GPA, 512 MCAT, and adequate extracurriculars. Which med schools do I have a shot at?

In addition, I've already submitted my application to osteopathic med schools and received secondaries for them.
20 MD schools

How many DO?

Let's see your list and then we can advise.
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Have you used WARS? If not, try it. I'd say applying to 15-20 schools should be fine, particularly if you've already had nibbles from DO schools and would be happy at a DO school (don't be one of those people who decides after being admitted to DO schools but not MD schools to ask if they should try a second cycle).
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