I really want to go to NYC for medical school

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Is there anyway to signal how serious I am about going to medical school in NYC to the big 4? My profile is competitive, and I would forgo nearly any acceptance to attend these schools.

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^To add to the above, I get glamor of wanting to live in NYC but outside of the big academic hospitals a lot of hospitals up there are known to be tough training environments that are undesirable for residency (for many reasons that I won't really get into here).

If you're actually from Texas though moving to NYC for med school seems incredibly short-sighted. Unless there is no way you could be happy living anywhere in a state as big as Texas and unless you manage to land a big scholarship (or get into NYU or Einstein I guess) the difference in tuition and subsequent loan burden is massive.
Me too man. My best friends all live in NYC, but we don't always get what we want, and that's just the sad reality of things. What I can suggest is just to do well on your MCAT, maintain a high GPA, and apply to every single NYC med school, which is what I'm doing. I haven't gotten any IIs from NYC schools tho 🙁