If you didn't have to take out student loan, would you definitely recommend optometry?

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Jul 31, 2014
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I am a prior service member, and I can use my Post 9-11 GI Bill to cover most of tuition for three years of school. Of course, I would still need to take some loan, but it won't be as much. For those that complain about the field due to heavy amount of debt, would you recommend the field if you were in my shoes?

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I am a prior service member, and I can use my Post 9-11 GI Bill to cover most of tuition for three years of school. Of course, I would still need to take some loan, but it won't be as much. For those that complain about the field due to heavy amount of debt, would you recommend the field if you were in my shoes?

Yes, I would. Better than using your GI bill for a sociology major. But first, make sure you want to do optometry versus other medical fields/occupations. A lot of graduates of OD programs are struggling because of the debt problem.