bro and man are friendly terms that friends use, so that was not disrespectful.
meant no disrespect, don't take so much to heart. I was just talkin sorry it offended you but on a forum i dont feel it appropriate to use formalities. This is behind a computer and not face to face so again sorry if you were offended guy but I don't know how else to make it clearer to you that I talk to people on here as if you are outside of work and not in a place were only using "sir" would be appropriate.
furthermore, I agree that nobody HAS to sign you are right, all I am saying was that suggesting that what one should expect is a poor salary and one should be happy with 80K after going 200+ in debt for undergrad and grad along with what podiatrists do is ludacris, simply put.
Like I have said 100000 times everyone needs to relax, there is nothing wrong with voiceing ones opinions and people shouldnt be so offended by them because they are just that, opiinons
so for the record, 99% of your posts are useful, so thanks for that man but just because you say a couple things that I disagree with doesnt make it so that you need to freak out and yell (lol dont know you if CAN over the computer what you get what I mean) at someone k? chill