International Medical Student Curious About Military Hospital Clerkships For Civilians

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Jul 17, 2017
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Hey hey! I'm an international medical student (United States citizen) looking to join the Navy after I graduate. I already contacted the medical recruiter about applying for the military match for residencies, but I'm also curious about what military hospitals allow civilians to apply to their clerkships as well as what the protocol is to apply to them. Any information and help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Hey hey! I'm an international medical student (United States citizen) looking to join the Navy after I graduate. I already contacted the medical recruiter about applying for the military match for residencies, but I'm also curious about what military hospitals allow civilians to apply to their clerkships as well as what the protocol is to apply to them. Any information and help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
You aren't eligible for Army First Year GME per AR135-101. Below is the eligibility for Army. Finish your first year of GME and get an unlimited license and then you can apply for Army.

"(b) Is a graduate of a foreign medical school and has a Standard ECFMG Certificate from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates; has unrestricted licensure to practice medicine or surgery in one of the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or a US territory; and has successfully completed 1 year of graduate medical education in an approved program listed in the Directory of Residency Training Programs. Waiver of the latter provision may be granted by TSG if an American Specialty Board recognizes other training for certification."

Your best bet is to get your ECFMG, complete an Internship year as a civilian and reapply as a licensed physician, or come in after you have completed a residency and are board eligible.

Edit: Google is your friend. Call the clerkship coordinators and ask. WRNNMC Clerkships - Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

Looks like NMC San Diego only allows HPSP and USUHS - GME - Clerkships
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