International Student/Foreign Nationals in the field of physical therapy

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7+ Year Member
Dec 26, 2015
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I've been wanting to create this thread for quite a while and decided to just do so although I sense there might not be a lot of international people on here, ha.
Anyway, I was just wondering if there was any international students in PT school, applying to PT school or who have graduated from PT school on here? Or any foreign nationals current PT ?

If so:
where are you from?
How long have you been in the US?
Where do you go/are you planning to go/did you go to school?
What are you plans for the future?

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where are you from? Russia
How long have you been in the US? 5 years before started PT school here. Had no PT background, so had to take all pre-requisites in the US.
Where do you go/are you planning to go/did you go to school? CA
What are you plans for the future? Staying in the US.