interview blues.....

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Jul 20, 2009
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submitted app on 9/ list down to 34. Almost all would be considered "less competitive" relative to other programs, with about 5-6 mid-level type of university programs mixed. Nothing on the coasts. have gotten 7 offers(unable to accept 1 because the only date given was on a date I already accepted another at).....

more troubling is that two programs I was hopeful/excited about have requested I take step 3 because they require all img's to take step 3. These were meharry and UT-galveston. Well I'm not an img so it's good to know that they are taking the time to read each application! I called them/emailed them and maybe they will still give me an interview....not sure.

Then there are already a lot of programs(and those are just the ones I know about) who have already sent out multiple offers. Banner, Creighton, Wright State, UT-Houston, A&M......I thought i would maybe have a shot to get interviews there.

Just venting.....don't mind me. maybe tommorrow will be better :)

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I got flat out rejected from the University of Colorado program, and my application wasn't even complete, (missing one LOR still) and they only had my application for 7 days! and aready rejected...sheesh...:rolleyes:

It's still early, perk up! :luck:
It's a tough process all right. The good news is that you do have several interviews already and will likely get plenty more. It seems like programs give interviews in waves, so the programs who have invited others yet haven't invited you yet could very well invite you later. I hope you get the Step 3 thing worked out.
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Hey there psychotrope, chin up! First of all it's still early in the season. Secondly, 7 interviews only 20 days after submitting your app is nothing to sneeze at! You'll do fine I'm sure.

I guess I will take the opportunity to air out some of my personal gripes too, if we're doing that. I grew up in California but am currently in med school in Ohio. I want to go back so bad, anywhere on the west coast, it's all I think about. I applied to 35 programmes on 09/01, applied to every programme in CA, WA, OR, AZ, NV, CO, NM, and some programmes in the Midwest. So far I'm very happy to have gotten 9 invites, but none of them are from where I really want to go. I've gotten many invites from the Mountain states, the Southwest, and Ohio, but none from any state touching the Pacific Ocean. University of Washington, UCLA-Harbor, UC Davis have all extended numerous invites, but none to me.

I'm doing an away rotation to California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco next month, so hopefully that'll at least score me an interview, but their residents all seem to be above my caliber, from top-name medical schools with impressive resumes, so I am skeptical of my chances there. Any community psychiatry programme in any other state would be filled with IMGs, but not this one, because it's in San Francisco. I'd be happy even with UCLA-Kern, it's not so long a drive to LA. I just want to go back to California!
I feel pretty fortunate that I don't have any major geographical preferences; If anything I'm trying to avoid California, Florida, and any city with more than a million people. Otherwise I'd probably be sweating this out pretty bad. People applying to the Midwest definitely seem to be having the most luck.

psychotrope, if you're looking for encouragement, UAB is a pretty fine program. If you have an interview there this early, I'm betting you'll have several more coming your way before too long.
Well, 7 interviews and you feel low?? I have only one in a community based program in NYC. I am starting to worry because I applied to 50 programs and no news!

Seven is great! I have two and even though most of the programs I app'd to haven't sent out any invites yet, the stress of continuously checking my email/ERAS/SDN is making me jittery.

Now I'm paranoid that I'm going to get one my snail mail and somehow miss it and throw it away. :scared:
It's a tough process all right. The good news is that you do have several interviews already and will likely get plenty more. It seems like programs give interviews in waves, so the programs who have invited others yet haven't invited you yet could very well invite you later. I hope you get the Step 3 thing worked out.

Hey.....I actually am not sure meharry gives non-img's a real shot. There is nothing to really work out on step3. I can't take step3. I have no idea what state I would be in and am not going to spend $1000 to take a test that would not count towards licensing at all. I don't even think I could get sponsored to take it as an amg without a program.

I really think there are a some programs that just don't interview many amg's....even the amg's apply(unless they are from that school or state or something)....
I feel pretty fortunate that I don't have any major geographical preferences; If anything I'm trying to avoid California, Florida, and any city with more than a million people. Otherwise I'd probably be sweating this out pretty bad. People applying to the Midwest definitely seem to be having the most luck.

psychotrope, if you're looking for encouragement, UAB is a pretty fine program. If you have an interview there this early, I'm betting you'll have several more coming your way before too long.

I think uab pretty much actually interviews everyone who is an amg who least who applies from the SE. They are a big program, and they have to interview a bunch of people......

of course I'd love to be there, but Im just not getting my hopes up.
Hey there psychotrope, chin up! First of
I guess I will take the opportunity to air out some of my personal gripes too, if we're doing that. I grew up in California but am currently in med school in Ohio. I want to go back so bad, anywhere on the west coast, it's all I think about. I applied to 35 programmes on 09/01, applied to every programme in CA, WA, OR, AZ, NV, CO, NM, and some programmes in the Midwest. So far I'm very happy to have gotten 9 invites, but none of them are from where I really want to go. I've gotten many invites from the Mountain states, the Southwest, and Ohio, but none from any state touching the Pacific Ocean. University of Washington, UCLA-Harbor, UC Davis have all extended numerous invites, but none to me.

Well hey at least you got those zona interviews. I applied to three programs in zona and not an invite......but you are a better candidate than me.

Some of those schools though(washington, davis, etc....).....real tough.
Well hey at least you got those zona interviews. I applied to three programs in zona and not an invite......but you are a better candidate than me.

Some of those schools though(washington, davis, etc....).....real tough.

Oh come now, I'm sure that's not true! You've got to be a solid candidate yourself to have scored 7 interviews already.
I think uab pretty much actually interviews everyone who is an amg who least who applies from the SE. They are a big program, and they have to interview a bunch of people......

of course I'd love to be there, but Im just not getting my hopes up.
They only took 6 PGY-1s last year. Don't sell yourself too short.
They only took 6 PGY-1s last year. Don't sell yourself too short.

they list 8 on their general psychiatry page, so I don't know if they prematched a couple(maybe a could of uab grads who took time off or whatever) or if those other 2 are med-psych, but they are listed under general....

either way, I think they are a program who prefers american grads moreso than other programs. Because I've failed to recieve an offer from programs that take a good mix of img's and/or are not seen as as competitive/large/research/whatever.....
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If you already got 7 interviews this early, you are competitive and I think you have a high chance of matching, providing you don't botch the interviews. Don't do what I did last year and panic just because somebody posts up they got 30 interview invites in September.

UAB is a nice program, I didn't think it was just enormous like UT Southwestern last year. Ranked UAB high, nice friendly folks, real good program IMHO based on one day and a dinner. ;) Liked their childrens hospital.

Meharry will interview IMGs, at least they did invite some last year because I got an invite last year from Meharry but didn't schedule it.

A lot of subjective factors and are involved in what inivtes you get, kinda like applying to med school but not nearly as bad. So don't be too up or down on yourself if you get invites or rejections from random places all across the board.
continuing the "blues", got rejected today from own medical school....didn't expect an interview, but still a dissapointment
continuing the "blues", got rejected today from own medical school....didn't expect an interview, but still a dissapointment

That is just low. Assuming you didn't start dating a patient, the school should at least interview their own out of courtesy. If you start a protest from interviewing at your school, I'll jump on with you....

continuing the "blues", got rejected today from own medical school....didn't expect an interview, but still a dissapointment
Why didn't you expect an interview? Did you not make your interest known to the program coordinator? I agree with TexasPhysician, it seems a little low.
You have some invites already, and it's early in the season. The curve of invites seems to peak around November. So things will improve.
I'd just say "screw 'em", and move on!
One other thing I just noticed... did a program really only give you one date that you couldn't make work? If so, call them up and ask for another one. Chances are, you'll get it. Pretty ridiculous for programs to only offer you one date this early on.

And even if that program doesn't budge, just call and reschedule the other interview you've scheduled for that day. It's not a big deal at all. I think you'll be fine, but if you're worried, you've gotta get proactive. :luck:
That is just low. Assuming you didn't start dating a patient, the school should at least interview their own out of courtesy. If you start a protest from interviewing at your school, I'll jump on with you....


but another way to look at it is this: if they know they weren't going to rank me where I would have a shot to interview, why do the courtesy interview? They may be thinking that would be just 1 less interview I would go on, and thus actually slightly decrease my chances to match.

I have no bad feelings at all about it, and I was actually contacted individually(ie parts of the letter were specific to my situation so I knew it wasn't 100% form letter) for them to let me know.
One other thing I just noticed... did a program really only give you one date that you couldn't make work? If so, call them up and ask for another one. Chances are, you'll get it. Pretty ridiculous for programs to only offer you one date this early on.

And even if that program doesn't budge, just call and reschedule the other interview you've scheduled for that day. It's not a big deal at all. I think you'll be fine, but if you're worried, you've gotta get proactive. :luck:

Agreed. I got offered 2 dates at one program, and got them to change to an entirely different month.
but another way to look at it is this: if they know they weren't going to rank me where I would have a shot to interview, why do the courtesy interview? They may be thinking that would be just 1 less interview I would go on, and thus actually slightly decrease my chances to match.

I have no bad feelings at all about it, and I was actually contacted individually(ie parts of the letter were specific to my situation so I knew it wasn't 100% form letter) for them to let me know.

It is good they let you know personally.
I don't understand how if you were a good enough student to get admitted to this school, you're not a good enough student to even merit an interview at your own program? It seems pretty ridiculous to me, but regardless it seems like it's definitely not a program you'd want to be at even if they condescended to extend you a courtesy interview.
I don't understand how if you were a good enough student to get admitted to this school, you're not a good enough student to even merit an interview at your own program? It seems pretty ridiculous to me, but regardless it seems like it's definitely not a program you'd want to be at even if they condescended to extend you a courtesy interview.

well unfortunately my grades and mcat score from undergrad don't really match up with my grades and step scores from medical school

I made some mistakes I regret during medical school(nothing unprofessional or unethical or whatever, but still wish I change them), and they are a good program who did bring in a good group of pgy-1's to the program last cycle.

I like and appreciate their honesty. If they knew they were not going to rank me(which they obviously did), then I would prefer to not interview. My goal is to match somewhere, and a courtesy interview doesn't help me accomplish that in any way.
I like and appreciate their honesty. If they knew they were not going to rank me(which they obviously did), then I would prefer to not interview. My goal is to match somewhere, and a courtesy interview doesn't help me accomplish that in any way.

I agree. Interviews are often expensive and emotionally draining. Most of us can only go on a limited number of interviews. I don't want my time wasted with a "pity interview" if a program is not serious about considering me.

I don't have any special insight into residency interviews, but my inclination is to think it might not mean anything just because others have gotten invites before you. I would think that since so many people submit apps in September, there is a chance that the program has not gotten to your application yet. It's also possible that the programs that sound good right now really just aren't good fits for you and you will discover on the interview trail there is a better match for you among those places that have offered invitations. I think seven interviews is a good start for anyone. :)