Is BRS Behavioral Science worth it?

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Aug 13, 2008
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I'm getting close to my test date, and I manage to get the "what do you say..." questions wrong way too much. I narrow it down to 2 and then pick the wrong one. I've done all the Kaplan and UW behavioral science questions, but still feel iffy. Is it worth getting BRS behavioral science for a quick last minute cramming? I would probably just go over the practice questions.

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I'm getting close to my test date, and I manage to get the "what do you say..." questions wrong way too much. I narrow it down to 2 and then pick the wrong one. I've done all the Kaplan and UW behavioral science questions, but still feel iffy. Is it worth getting BRS behavioral science for a quick last minute cramming? I would probably just go over the practice questions.

It helped bump me up on my practice NBMEs alot. It definately helps you put in some logice to guide you behind these wierd questions. Cram it in. It also has a nice section on epi and biostats.
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any thoughts on the 2004 v 2008 edition? i bought old one for 7 dollars shipped on amazon but then got worried so i ordered the newer one too thinking I can always return it... it should be coming tomorrow.
What's the difference between BRS and High Yield behavioral science books? I see they have the same author...
I'm not sure if this was talked about already but what PART of behavioral science do people find difficult on the actual exam? Biostats? Ethics? and if so which part is FA lacking in specifically...or is it all of it?
You could read the whole thing in 4 hours. It's an easy read with nearly 500 practice Qs. I would recommend taking half a day for BRS once if you can. These are easy points.

I'm like 2 weeks out ... so it's kind of late for me, and are we talking about BRS behavioral science. 4 hours! thats crazy fast ... so any one/a few sections that are super high yield. thanks!
4 hours? Um, No. At least not for me. It took me about 3 days to read it carefully and do all of the questions. I swear some people are speed readers on here. I've seen people who claim to have read FA in 2 days.

BRS behavioral was very helpful. I'm scoring 100s on all the UWorld Qs in behavioral and biostats. It covers both topics.
I'm like 2 weeks out ... so it's kind of late for me, and are we talking about BRS behavioral science. 4 hours! thats crazy fast ... so any one/a few sections that are super high yield. thanks!

Yeah, I think amazon said it's like 300+ pages....
4 hours? Um, No. At least not for me. It took me about 3 days to read it carefully and do all of the questions. I swear some people are speed readers on here. I've seen people who claim to have read FA in 2 days.

BRS behavioral was very helpful. I'm scoring 100s on all the UWorld Qs in behavioral and biostats. It covers both topics.

what section(s) did you think was the best?
4 hours? Um, No. At least not for me. It took me about 3 days to read it carefully and do all of the questions. I swear some people are speed readers on here. I've seen people who claim to have read FA in 2 days.

BRS behavioral was very helpful. I'm scoring 100s on all the UWorld Qs in behavioral and biostats. It covers both topics.

Lol, I'm not one of those people. For me it was 4 hours because most of the foundation was already there. The stuff I was weak in I focused more on but overall you can pick out what you like. They also do a good Psychiatry review in the book. So I definately was wrong when I said 4 hours, it varies for everyone.

Don't go memorizing or reading the entire thing like you would FA. Skim it for the pearls you need.
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BRS. The questions are helpful and very similar to some you will see in UWorld.

Just wanted to vote that the questions in BRS BS are pretty terrible. Compared to Uworld, Kaplan and the NBME subject exam they were NOTHING like the real thing. They do test on relevant topics, but much more detail oriented than real deal questions that seem to integrate and test understanding.
Just wanted to vote that the questions in BRS BS are pretty terrible. Compared to Uworld, Kaplan and the NBME subject exam they were NOTHING like the real thing. They do test on relevant topics, but much more detail oriented than real deal questions that seem to integrate and test understanding.

Not all of the questions were similar to UWorld. But, BRS does have good (similar to UWorld) "What would you say" questions and "What should a child X age be able to do." The questions for psych disorders are less helpful.
the 2nd edition of HY behav (same author as BRS behav) was more then enough. Its only 120pgs.

And if you're pressed for time, the sections I felt were needed to supplement FA were the milestone tables and the phys/patient, ethics, and biostats chapters at the end of the book.
Many of the BRS questions are to hammer in the details and get the point across more than real step 1 simulation.

I liked the book overall. Certain areas are weak, but I wouldn't use it for the drugs anyway. It also covered a lot of stuff we never really directly covered in my classes. They aren't tough questions that take lots of processing. More along the lines of, "Oh, I didn't know that" kind of stuff.

I'd recommend certain sections over first aid...some of the first aid stuff is just so vague.
Many of the BRS questions are to hammer in the details and get the point across more than real step 1 simulation.

I liked the book overall. Certain areas are weak, but I wouldn't use it for the drugs anyway. It also covered a lot of stuff we never really directly covered in my classes. They aren't tough questions that take lots of processing. More along the lines of, "Oh, I didn't know that" kind of stuff.

I'd recommend certain sections over first aid...some of the first aid stuff is just so vague.

Would ya mind sharing what sections thanks